Humancafe's Bulletin Boards: PeoplesBook2000 Themes and Topics: MICRO-INFINITY-UNIVERSE
cosmicafe on Friday, March 24, 2000 - 10:45 pm:

It is said zero times infinity equals one. There
is no proof, of course, but the thruth is out
there, somewhere, in our infinite universe. Or is
it an infinite paradox?

By humancafe on Sunday, April 2, 2000 - 11:35 pm:

24 Feb 1999

:) .. | ^^^ The Earth is in orbit round the sun.
I am alive. Here am I. I am. I am alone. Pondering
realms of existence. M.C.R. cm/ca

21 Apr 1999

EXTRATERRESTIAL research resources:
(see: Commerce/Books)
Are they here now? Or had they been here long ago?

25 Apr 1999

King James Version of the Bible:
See for writing about Wheels and Wings: EZEKIEL
1:15-25 and 10:2, 10:19, and 11:22.
Or about Clouds and Fire of the Lord: NUMBERS
9:15-23, 10:34, 11:25, 12:5-12.10, 14:14.
EXODUS 19:18. PSALMS 18:8. Or the Lord's sapphire
throne: EZEKIEL 1:26, 10:1, also EXODUS 24:10.
Galaxies 13 billion light years away, Hubble Space
Telescope pictures:

16 May 1999

We all make microdecisions all the time. Unlike
macrodecisions, which are known to us,
microdecisions are by their nature invisible. We
do not know we make them. Rather, like baby steps,
we take actions that lead us unto much greater
journeys. For example, imagine an ice fall at the
end of a glacier. You could hammer on it, hit it
with explosives, and nothing happens. Or you could
touch it with a pick ax and the whole thing caves
into an avalanche. Like in everyday life, there
are sensitive pressure points that yield great
results. I think the mind is aware of these at
some subliminal level and acts upon them.
An example could be: I make a small investment in
a company's shares that go bad and I lose
everything I put into it. My wife becomes
distressed that this is indicative of future
action, on the recommendation of her friends she
leaves me, I lose my friends, become dsepondent,
lose my job, and in the company of other homeless,
over an argument over a pair of shoes, I become
wounded and lose my life. What an incredible
tragedy over such an insignificant decision to buy
into an unlucky company. But was it so
insignificant? Or did my mind know at some level
what the stakes were? It could have happened the
other way: The company became very successful and
I very rich, my wife now really loves me, as do
all my new friends, and I gain appointments to the
board of directors, even appointed as ambassador
to a foreign country. What great fortune! Maybe
even destiny! Or was it merely microdecisions? (to
be continued)
--I. D. Alexander

23 May 1999

MICRODECISONS (continued from May 16, 1999)
Microdecisions happen. Think of the athlete in
play, driving a car, making love. All are split
second decisions almost invisible to rational
thought. By contrast, rational thought is bulky
and cumbersome. The conscious mind, thinking,
which we place at the zenith of our civilization,
is awkward baggage next to the near instant
responses of microdecisions. Same as when driving
a car, we know at any moment of time where
everything and everyone else is on the road, so it
is with our micromind. Everyone else and
everything else that affects our individual
existence is already known at some level, and and
to this interrelationshnip of affects our
micromind responds. This is a mystery to our
rational, wakeful mind, but it is known to us at
some deeper level; and to become aware of it,
whether through meditation, or just mindfulness,
may be a way to connect into that deeper part of
who we are. So is it fate, fortune,
predestination, luck? Or is it circumstances that
are actually within our control but unknown to us?
If we create our world through microdecisions,
then is it our own self made destiny that we live
in, our identity? Microdecisions, in their split
second responses, actually work with us, or
against us, to achieve our needs and goals. If
they have always done so, even from birth, then we
are truly positioned within an existence of our
own making. Is this a form of Existentialism? I
believe that, at some level, our micromind is who
we are. (to be continued)

30 May 1999

MICRODECISIONS (continued from May 23,1999)
If we are, as individual human beings, the sum
total of all our experiences, then our minds are
also a sum total of our reponses to these
experiences as they had affected us through life.
Our conscious mind, however, is only partially
aware of these, so the greater balance falls into
the domain of our micromind. If so, then our
microdecisions reflect our total mind, both
conscious and unconscious. If this mind is then
the sum total not only of this life, but also of
all the experiences registered in our being of
past lives, should these exist, then we also
respond in our microdecisions to the effects
accumulated through all time. Microdecisions
cannot lie, being devoid of the ability to alter
reality through conscious choice, so where our
destiny takes us is how our micromind had taken us
through time. Karma? Dharma? In the totality
interrelated world we live in, we create our
reality explicitly in terms of how we had been in
this life and beyond. Our micromind is even
creating for us where we are going, and the
circumstances of our existence had already been
laid out for us in advance. We are the
scriptwriters in our own play, same as we are the
players in the scripts of the lives of others. We
create our reality. Dream?
(to be continued)

05 Jun 1999

MICRODECISIONS (continued from May 30, 1999)
So thinking is not enough in microdecisions. Being
is what it is about. As my wife, Cinzia, reminds
me: "It is not enough to think about things; you
have to live them." In matters of agreement,
giving, tolerance, compassion, caring, forgiving;
our art, our health, out faith, our play; all
require a state of mind that is focussed on what
it is we want to be. If we are powered by our
dreams, then we must be in our hearts what it is
that we are dreaming. We need to be true to who we
are, and focus on that, what that truth in us is
really all about. Then, the microdecisions follow
automatically, and the reality we create for
ourselves is beyond our thinking about it. If we
love ourselves, as I believe we all do, then we
must live with a reverence for all living things,
all sentient beings. Then in our lives we enter
our Dream. Our happiness lies there.
* * *
Please feel free to add your ideas, either in
agreement, or disagreement, and let your
microdecisions guide you.
--Ivan D. Alexander

17 Jun 1999

What about those little things the brain does that
you cannot see? For example, when I work on my
computer, I can see the screen, print out images,
communicate with others, but I cannot the
microprocesses that are responsible for what I see
on the screen. The little bits of energy coursing
and interacting within the circuitry and
microbrain are there without my being aware of
them. So is it with our brain, the way it runs our
heart, lungs, body fluids, nervous systems, etc.
where we know they exist but cannot be aware of
how the brain is doing it at any moment of time.
But is it running more than those? Are there
signals coursing through out bodies that also
regulate our body temperature, our color, our
weight, our health, our chakra energies? If as we
think we become, even in our reality, then is it
also true that as we become, we influence our
lives even in the way we are in our bodies, our
health? Do microdecisions dictate the living vigor
of our health? Are we in our health as we are in
our mind? I believe this is so.
I.D. Alexander

18 Jun 1999

Does God punish? Did all those who die in a
natural catastrophe deserve to? I don't think so.
Our decisions determine fate. Decisions made with
singularity intentions are authentic. Mark June 99

21 Jun 1999

God does not control everything. Nor punish.
Rather, like a loving parent watching Her or His
children (you choose) at play will let them do so
of their own free will. But if one gets hurt, or
needs help, She or He will come instantly to their
aid. It's ok to ask for help, for it will be
given. But our play is nevertheless our own.

22 Jun 1999

There is a reason for everything, even the sad
times. As we go through life, our responses, our
feelings, our thoughts, the other beings we meet;
all have their share in bringing for us what it is
we must do at that time. As Marcus Aurelius, the
Roman Emperor, had said: "God does not give us
anything we cannot handle." This would even apply
to the bad things that happen to us. Remember that
the small things we do in life lead us to the big
things we must decide, even if we must go through
hell to get there. All great men knew this.

10 Jul 1999

TIME: Any single rotation can be used to measure
time. SPACE: It is invisible to itself at its
perpendicular. CENTRAL AXIS: At the center of any
rotation is a force that is inverse to its
centrifugal force. This force increases with mass
and velocity, resulting in a force that is
perpendicular to its rotation and running through
the axis. It is possible this force is inverse to
the mass's gravity, best seen in very large bodies
in space.
BLACK HOLE: At the center of every spinning galaxy
there is a black hole. This is the result of the
perpendicular force generated by the galaxy's
spin, which is the ultimate force of rotation
totally invisible to us from our plane of space.
At either end of this black hole's axis is a
"halo" of stars which are kept aloft by the
resulting antigravity generated by the black
hole's axis. This is why spiral galaxies have a
bulge in the middle.
PERPENDICULAR TIME: If all things rotate in the
universe, that it is a natural motion, then these
forces are generated everywhere. But what about
time? Is it also generated at the axis of
rotation? Is it faster or slower than the linear
time generated on the plane of rotation? Or is it
simply invisible to us, like the black hole? I
have no idea. Any suggestions?
Alexa. mailto:IALEXA8476

22 Jul 1999

UFO TRACKERS web sites. Please add your UFO
references, if not listed below.
http://caus.org Citizens Against UFO Secrecy
Belgian UFO Trackers
http://www.blackvault.com/ Black Vault, Government
Secret Documents, UFO's etc.
tm Joshua Tree Village (see "Commerce/Books" for
UFO research)
"Where there is secrecy, there is no truth;
where there is no truth, there is no justice;
where there is no justice, there is no freedom."

22 Jul 1999

MARS 2001: Send your name to Mars on the Mars 2001
http://spacekids.hq.nasa.gov/2001/ --jo

05 Aug 1999

ALBERT EINSTEIN: "A human being is part of a whole
called by us the 'Universe', a part limited in
time and space. He (sic) experiences himself, his
thoughts and feelings, as something separate from
the rest--a kind of optical delusion of his
consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison
for us, restricting us to our personal desires and
to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our
task must be to free ourselves from this prison by
widening our circle of compassion to embrace all
living creatures and the whole of nature in its
beauty." (AE's quote found in: "Forgiveness and
Other Acts of Love" by Stephanie Dowrick, chapter
on Tolerance)

21 Aug 1999

"CONSCIOUSNESS is not a tool. It is our Being.
"Spiritual or mystical experience... is the mirror
image of science-- a direct perception of nature's
unity. "Ironically, every organized religion has
been based on the claims of direct experience of
one or more persons, whose revelations are then
handed down as articles of faith. Those who want
direct knowledge, the mystics, have always been
treated more or less as heretics, whether they
were the medieval mystics within Christianity, the
Sufis within the borders of Islam, or the
Kabbalists within Judaism. "A convocation of
spiritual leaders read a statement to the United
Nations in October 1945: '...The crises of our
time are challenging the world religions to
release a new spiritual force transcending
religious, cultural, and national boundaries into
a new consciousness of oneness of the human
community and so putting into effect a spiritual
dynamic toward the solutions of the world's
problems... We affirm a new spirituality divested
of insularity and directed toward planetary
--Marilyn Ferguson, "The Aquarian Conspiracy",

14 Sep 1999

AMEN, Amon, Amon-Ra: The god of life and
reproduction in ancient Egyptian mythology; (may
be the first mono-theistic deity concept;
unknowalbe essence);
represented as man with a ram's head, later united
with sun god.
AMEN: Used at the end of a prayer to express
assent or approval; "so be it"; verily, truly;
Judeo-Christian, Greek and Roman, exclamation
dating back to Hebrew times.
(from Webster's Dictionary)

18 Sep 1999

HABEAS MENTEM: a Quantum Leap
Interrelationship is easily understood by most of
us as a mechanism that defines complex systems,
like the weather, ecosystems, market exchange,
living organisms. But it is a quantum leap to see
this interconnectedness as a definition from the
whole redefining its individual parts. At
infinity, that redefinition becomes each thing's
"identity", what it really is in terms of the
whole. According to the thesis of Habeas Mentem,
that identity is then evident in a living mind. We
are who we are, in the infinite whole, in our
mind. In the human mind, this identity can even
look back upon itself: it is conscious. Does this
make sense, or is it a quantum leap of faith?
-Author http://www.humancafe.com/titlepage.htm
(from the Forum at HumanCafe.com)

01 Oct 1999

like think of "The Matrix", where the dream is
reality, and reality a dream... totally connected
interrelationship as truth... who can fight it,
who can win against the reality of truth...
defined by all there is, real, cool, like sweet
water to a man dying of thirst...like the mind
sees infinity... man, truth is alive...

08 Oct 1999

From Great Consciousness/ª/ vision Harlem 1948
buildings standing in Eternity/?/ I/¡/ realize
entire Universe/º/ was manifestation of One
Mind/!=/--My teacher was William Blake--my life
work of Poesy/¶/, transmitting that spontaneous
awareness to Mankind/ª/.
February 3, 1973, Allen Ginsberg/&/

20 Nov 1999

Symbolic Dynamics of Noisy Chaos
- J. P. Crutchfield and N. H. Packard, Physics
Board of Studies, University of California, Santa
Cruz, California 95064 USA
One model of randomness observed in physical
systems is that low-dimensional deterministic
chaotic attractors underly the observations. A
phenomenological theory of chaotic dynamics
requires an accounting of the information flow
from the observed system to the observer, the
amount of information available in observations,
and just how this information affects predictions
of the system's future behavior. In an effort to
develop such a description, we discuss the
information theory of highly discretized
observations of random behavior. Metric entropy
and topological entropy are well-defined invariant
measures of such an attractor's ``level of
chaos'', and are computable using symbolic
dynamics. Real physical systems that display low
dimensional dynamics are, however, inevitably
coupled to high-dimensional randomness, e.g.
thermal noise. We investigate the effects of such
fluctuations coupled to deterministic chaotic
systems, in particular, the metric entropy's
response to the fluctuations. We find that the
entropy increases with a power law in the noise
level, and that the convergence of the entropy and
the effect of fluctuations can be cast as a
scaling theory. We also argue that in addition to
the metric entropy, there is a second scaling
invariant quantity that characterizes a
deterministic system with added fluctuations: I0,
the maximum average information obtainable about
the initial condition that produces a particular
sequence of measurements (or symbols).
J. P. Crutchfield and N. H. Packard, "Symbolic
Dynamics of Noisy Chaos", in Physica 7D (1983)
http://www.santafe.edu/ Santa Fe Institute Home

08 Oct 1999

http://www.spacedaily.com/ Space Daily, your
internet space portal
http://liftoff.msfc.nasa.gov/ Marshall Space
Flight Center, Liftoff
http://www.skypub.com/ Sky and Telescope Magazine
http://cass.jsc.nasa.gov/lpi.html Lunar and
Planetary Institute, "Is there life on Mars?"
http://www.griffithobs.org Griffith Observatory's
sky report
http://www.ocregister.com/liftoff/ Orange County
Register, Science & Technology, with countdowns on
various launches (source for above web pages on

09 Oct 1999

23 Dec 1998 (see orginal above by date)
Derivation of the Space-Energy Equivalence
With the increasing interest in zero-point energy
and similar concepts, itÕs natural to wonder how
much energy space might contain. A formula for the
space-energy equivalence may be derived as
follows: The universal gravitational constant (G)
is an expression of the relationship between space
and mass. Fundamentally, G is the space-mass
equivalence. Expressed dimensionally, G=L^3 / MT^2
where L=length, M=mass, and T=time. Bringing the
quantity to unity, it can be written M=L^3 / T^2
and simplifying, M=rC^2 where C=the speed of light
(L/T) and r stands for a radius (L). Substituting
M into the mass-energy equivalence (E=mC^2) yields
E=rC^4 where E=energy. Thus, the total amount of
energy contained in a volume of space defined by a
given radius is equivalent to the radius times the
speed of light to the fourth power. Written in
dimensionally balanced form, the space-energy
equivalence is E=rC^4 / G.
Nelson Zink mailto:zink@newmex.com


By Humancafe on Friday, May 12, 2000 - 12:15 am:

GENOMES, GOOD OR BAD? --thoughts on a science

Human genomes are the latest breakthrough in
science in our battle against disease. The
ability to map the human gene, and those of other
living things, is being seen as a panacea for
designing drug medications that will be tailor
made for each individual, both to ward off
potential predisposed health disorders, and to
counter attack diseases that invade the body. But
can this be interpreted as unequivocally good?
Is it possible for this science to go awry and
cause more havoc than cure, which raises the
question: Can good science go bad? Atomic bombs
and nuclear waste come to mind. Even antibiotics
seem to have the undesirable side effect of
weakening the body's natural immune system,
allowing the replication of progressively stronger
viruses and bacteria. But there is a more
sinister side effect to be concerned about: That
science uses the new knowledge in ways that
exercises unwanted controls over human beings.
For example, can a genetic code be written that
identifies potentially undesirable traits in
children or adults? If so, and they are
identified as being criminal, disease vectors,
antisocial, mentally incompetent, or otherwise
dangerous to society; can they then become
isolated from the rest of society, either by
coercive action or by legal restraint? Or can
genetic tinkering produce mutant monstrosities,
even cause environmental havoc, or pandemic
plagues; or, on the margin, even forced cloning?
Are we as the public safe from this type of
science invasion that threatens our well being?
In most progressive societies, individual human
beings are safeguarded by certain human rights,
such as being innocent until proven guilty. Would
a genetic fingerprint jeopardize this presumed
innocence, or would it constitute an automatic
guilt? None would wish to restrain progress in
scientific discovery, but there should be a
firewall that stops the spread of scientific
theory which could directly or indirectly attack
us, especially the right to being who we are, our
basic fundamental freedom. One such social
firewall would exist in a society whose social
agreement, its social contract, supports the
concept that we are free as long as we do not
violate a law of agreement, where we do not force
another human being, or the people, against their
agreement. With regards to genetic research, this
law of agreement would place a firewall on
government or corporate agents from discriminating
against any individual who may have a propensity
towards an undesirable action or trait, but in
whom this undesirable characteristic fails to
manifest. In the case of scientific research, it
would apply the same principle to whereby the
fruits of research cannot be forced on the
community without the people's consent.
Genetically engineered tomatoes come to mind. We
should be able to retain our freedom of choice as
to what we eat. Imagine a law that prohibits your
local grocer from informing you that the tomatoes
you buy either are or are not genetically altered?
I can, because this has happened, to promote
genetically altered seeds and produce. So where
does it stop? Do we forego the potentialities of
new sciences because they may become invasive and
unstoppable? And by whom? I think the answer is
no. We cannot place restrictions on research, and
with this most will agree. But neither should we
empower the results of research and scientific
findings to rule our individual rights, to rule
our freedom of choice. In its most sinister form,
we could be pushed into an Orwellian, or Huxlian,
future where even the right to reproduce is
regulated and thus dictated by those who are in
power to exercise authority based on scientific
facts, i.e.: You and you may regenerate, but you
may not. It is inevitable that we will be faced
with these choices in the future, but at the same
time, we should guard against the spread of an
undesirable power shift from individual choices to
those dictated by authorities who use science as a
right to coerce us against our human rights.
Mapping the human gene should be viewed as a
positive for our future, and not as a nightmarish
scenario of an Orwellian like existence for the
sake of science, even if it is well intentioned
for the public good. There is no good or bad
science. Discovery is. But that is why we need a
science firewall, that the public good should
always be safeguarded by an individual's good.

--Ivan D. Alexander

for further readings on genomics, go to:

By Humancafe on Thursday, May 10, 2001 - 11:56 am:


May 9th, 2001. Two Italian researchers spread the news that a form of extraterrestrial life exists. Living microbes have been discovered in meteorites from billions of years ago

Exclusive rights are no longer due to the population of the earth. Life was not born on our planet. The discovery has been made by a group of researchers from the Federico II University in Naples, in collaboration with the Geomare-Sud Institute of the CNR (National Research Council) in Naples.
The hypothesis of the first form of extraterrestrial life, that has been proposed for years in different labs all over the world, has been validated by the discovery of minute bacterium inside rocks and meteorites, dating back billions of years ago.
Bruno D'Argenio and Giuseppe Geraci, belonging to the Science Faculty of the Neapolitan university, have examined 50 specimens from sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rocks; minerals; volcanic glass and other solid natural material. The scientists' satisfaction was accompanied by a comprehensible and human disconcertedness when they found the cristallomicrobi, or as they are known in short, "cryms".
They measure slightly more than one-thousandth of a millimeter and are capable of resisting to extreme temperatures and pressures. But the extraordinary fact is that, once they are extracted, they regain their mobility and the capacity to reproduce. And this is the breakthrough that opens the way to the idea of interactions between energy and life, that are yet unknown today.
The two Italian researchers declare that "the cryms' characteristics indicate that life, although in a quiescent state, may exist anywhere in the solar system and, in an active state, on all those bodies where the presence of water in the liquid state can be hypothesized".
It was already affirmed in 1982 that life had arrived on earth through panspermia using meteorites and comets as vectors. The British astrophysicist Fred Hoyle believed that some interstellar materials possess biological material characteristics, bacterium in particular. And he defined our planet as a "final assembly room". At the time, his theory fell into oblivion.

Giulia Marrone
Translated by Vicky Farallo/Bravaitalia.it

By rthorne on Thursday, April 1, 2004 - 04:17 am:


GO TO:http://www.geocities.com/rthorne777

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