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It is ALL Sacred Land. Why do we fight on it? G
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29 15 11-16-22  12:49 pm Ivan Alexander
Table of Contents - Human Café Forums Index
Table of Contents, HumanCafe Forums - in descending chronological order, last is first.
(All Archived posts are for information purposes only -non commercial - including Post Scripts and Photo logs.
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6 1 04-05-15  07:41 am How to Search Humanc
Post Scripts
From 1998 - 2008, we had tapped into the mind of the world, and left our print.
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644 16 10-10-24  11:19 am Ivan Alexander
Riflessioni (Archived)
Dall'ambiente alla politica.

One-liner philosophy of HumanCafe:

"The Universe is an intimate interrelationship totality, interconnected from quantum to intergalactic, all balanced in equilibrium emergent as One - manifesting Life, and in us Mind defining Who we are." - IDA

(Written to my artist friend in Rome, Alessandro Fornaci, 24 May 2015).
24 5 10-17-21  11:41 am Ivan Alexander
On the Failings of Reason (Archived)
This discussion will examine when or why at times human reason fails. All ideas are welcome. Dogmas by their very nature are disqualified. If one is not allowed to question it, then it is dogma.
1737 22 09-19-24  05:45 pm Ivan Alexander
NEW - Peoples Forums - 2006 - 2008 (Archived)
READ ONLY for all closed threads. Discussion threads may be reopened upon request to Editors at:
All ARCHIVED discussions are permanently closed. Thank you, and Welcome to Humancafe.
949 15 06-13-24  02:05 pm Ivan Alexander
(Archived) 1st September - On Deterrence of War - what's going on with the world?
We all start out as equals here. How can we deter war? And what's going on with the world?
143 4 12-03-08  09:04 am anon/pirates at sea
PHOTO Log - WEBCAM -more Travels 44 10 02-27-24  02:01 pm Ivan Alexander
TRAVELOGUE, peoples & places ? ? 10-10-24  11:19 am  
The New PeoplesBook FORUMS ? ? 10-10-24  11:19 am  
ARCHIVED Humancafes FORUM -1998-2004 ? ? 10-10-24  11:19 am  
The Book of Life ? ? 10-10-24  11:19 am  
L'Angolo Polemico e Filosofico ? ? 10-10-24  11:19 am  
PeoplesBook2000 Themes and Topics ? ? 10-10-24  11:19 am  

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Translator: English, Russian, French, German, Spanish:

Seek to do with agreement, choose consciously to avert coercion, resist trespass and be tolerant of one another; then there is hope for humankind of a lasting, greater world Peace.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
An international exchange of ideas on how to make a better world for the new Millennium, written by the people of planet Earth.

To access HOME of, please go to: Or write

"We are not human beings on a spiritual journey;
we are spiritual beings on a human journey."

-author unknown

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Topics to be found inside, and more: Aristotle, agreement, alien civilization, anti gravity energy, atheism, belief, consciousness, contract, cosmos, dragon slaying, education, emotions, end war, ethics, evil, evolution, exchange, future developments, future space travel, genomes, Giordano Bruno, goddesses, gods, habeas corpus, habeas mentem, harmony, home, human awareness, human identity, human rights, humor, ideas, infinity, interrelationship, law of agreement, love, Machiavelli, markets, mediation, metaphysics, micro decisions, millennium, mind, morality, natural healing, nature conservation, negotiations, new age, new world order, Peace, philosophy, Plato, racial, Ayn Rand, religion, soul, species survival, spirituality, triads, trinity, trust, truth, universe, war, Alan Watts, women equality, world order, world peace, world religions, worship, 2000, and more, and more... ad infinitum.
Soggetti da trovare all'interno e di più: Aristotle, accordo, straniero civilizzazione, anti gravità energia, atheism, credenza, coscienza, contratto, universo, drago slaying, formazione, emozione, estremità guerra, etica, sviluppo, scambi, futuro sviluppo, futuro spazio viaggi, genomes, Giordano Bruno, goddesses, dio, habeas corpus, habeas mentem, armonia, sede, umano consapevolezza, umano identità, umano parte di destra, umore, idea, infinità, correlazione, legge accordo,  love, Machiavelli, mercato, mediazione, metafisica, micro decisione, millennio, mente, moralità, naturale healing, natura conservazione, trattativa, nuovo età, nuovo mondo ordine, filosofia, pace, Platone,Ayn Rand, razziale, religione, anima, sopravvivenza di specie, spirituality, triadi, trinità, fiducia, verità, universo, guerra, uguaglianza delle donne, ordine del mondo, pace del mondo, religioni del mondo, culto, 2000 e più e più... annuncio
Sujets à trouver à l'intérieur, et davantage: Aristotle, accord, étranger civilisation, anti pesanteur énergie, athéisme, croyance, conscience, contrat, cosmos, dragon slaying, éducation, émotion, fin guerre, éthique, évolution, permuter, futur développement, futur espace voyager, génome, Giordano Bruno, déesse, dieu, habeas corpus, habeas mentem, harmonie, maison, humain conscience, humain identité, human droit de l'homme, humeur, idée, infini, corrélation, loi accord,  love, Machiavel, marché, médiation, métaphysique, micro décision, millénium, esprit, moralité, normal curatif, nature économie, négociation, nouveau âge, nouveau monde commande, paix, philosophie, platon, couche-point racial, d'Ayn Rand, religion, âme, survie d'espèce, spirituality, triades, trinité, confiance, vérité, univers, guerre, égalité de femmes, commande du monde, paix du monde, religions du monde, culte, 2000, et plus, et plus... à n'en plus finir.
Asuntos que se encontrarán adentro, y más: Aristotle, acuerdo, civilización extranjera, contra energía de la gravedad, el ateismo, creencia, sentido, contrato, cosmos, dragón slaying, educación, emociones, guerra del final, el ética, evolución, intercambio, progresos futuros, recorrido de espacio futuro, genomes, Giordano Bruno, diosas, dioses, recopilación de los habeas, mentem de los habeas, armonía, conocimiento casero, humano, identidad humana, derechos humanos, humor, ideas, infinito, correlación, ley del acuerdo,  love, Maquiavelo, mercados, mediación, metafísica, decisiones micro, milenio, mente, moralidad, el curativo natural, conservación de la naturaleza, negociaciones, nueva edad, nueva orden del mundo, filosofía, paz, Platóns,racial, de Ayn Rand, religión, alma, supervivencia de la especie, spirituality, tríadas, trinidad, confianza, verdad, universo, guerra, igualdad de las mujeres, orden del mundo, paz del mundo, religiones del mundo, adoración, 2000, y más, y más... ad infinitum.
Nach innen und mehr zu findene Themen: Aristotle, Vereinbarung, ausländische Zivilisation, Anti- Schwerkraftenergie, Atheism, Glaube, Bewußtsein, Vertrag, Cosmos, slaying Drache, Ausbildung, Gefühle, Ende Krieg, Ethik, Entwicklung, Austausch, zukünftige Entwicklungen, zukünftige Raumfahrt, Genome, Giordano Bruno, Göttinnen, Götter, habeaskorpus, habeasmentem, Harmonie, Haupt-, menschliches Bewußtsein, menschliche Identität, menschliche Rechte, Stimmung, Ideen, Unbegrenztheit, Verwandtschaft, Gesetz der Vereinbarung,  love, Machiavelli, Märkte, Vermittlung, Metaphysik, Mikroentscheidungen, Jahrtausendfeier, Verstand, Sittlichkeitsgefühl, natürliches Heilend, Naturerhaltung, Vermittlungen, neues Alter, neue Weltordnung, peace, Philosophie, Plato,rassischer, Ayn Rand, Religion, Seele, Sorteüberleben, spirituality, Dreier, Dreiheit, Vertrauen, Wahrheit, Universum, Krieg, Fraugleichheit, Weltordnung, Weltfrieden, Weltreligionen, Anbetung, 2000 und mehr und mehr... endlos.
Tópicos a ser encontrados para dentro, e mais: Aristotle, acordo, civilização estrangeira, anti energia da gravidade, atheism, opinião, consciousness, contrato, cosmos, dragon que slaying, instrução, emoções, guerra do fim, ethics, evolução, troca, desenvolvimentos futuros, curso de espaço futuro, genomes, Giordano Bruno, goddesses, deuses, corpus dos habeas, mentem dos habeas, harmonia, consciência home, humana, identidade humana, direitas humanas, humor, idéias, infinidade, interrelationship, lei do acordo,  love, Machiavelli, mercados, mediation, metaphysics, micro decisões, millennium, mente, morality, healing natural, conservation da natureza, negociações, idade nova, ordem nova do mundo, filosofia, paz, Plato,margem racial, de Ayn Rand, religião, alma, sobrevivência da espécie, spirituality, tríades, trinity, confiança, verdade, universo, guerra, igualdade das mulheres, ordem do mundo, paz do mundo, religiões do mundo, adoração, 2000, e mais, e mais... sem fim.
Rosetta Stone

War is, because those who need to change and cannot, do so by force to punish those who have, and become punished themselves, to change. This is true of all violence, until we change.
--8 Dec.1999, People's Book 2000.

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