GOD'S WILL 2/ What is it? - continued

Humancafe's Bulletin Boards: The New PeoplesBook FORUMS: GOD'S WILL 2/ What is it? - continued
Humancafe on Tuesday, May 31, 2005 - 08:32 pm:

This thread is a continuation of an earlier one, now Archived and closed, titled "God's Will/ What is it?" It now continues here, so please feel free to add your thoughts. Thank you.


By luxin on Tuesday, May 31, 2005 - 08:37 pm:

We can only know God's will if we know ourselves; for we, collectively, are God in our spiritual essence, and physically His body. Yes, the secular can do God's will, and can do it without reference to any 'holy book' but The Book or Tree of Life (a person, also known as a microcosm, or the miniaturized all). To know if one is doing God's will, one only need consult one's Self (individual Atman of the collective Brahman in Eastern religion), if one is in touch with It. This sounds presumptuous, but should be common knowledge. Pythagoras said "Above all, know thyself", but the day that the average person will know themself is far off.

The will of God is inflexible because It is immutable Spiritual Law, such as the great law, The Law of Love. In believing that only they have knowledge of God's will, religious people become deluded fanatics; it is man's will, not God's will in this case, that is inflexible. Only men-women have the ungodly capacity to be 'infinitely intolerant', delusional in their belief that they are separated from and superior to their fellow man. A few conceptualize that we are all one, that there is only one God; and that all religions and their followers should be promoting oneness, unity and tolerance because we are one people and we are God.

Religious organizations become corrupt because their members develop "a pretense of spirituality" based on their belief that their interpretation of the truth is free of error and that they themselves are therefore superior to others. The small-minded members (which are the majority) become hypocrites, and believing that mere membership ensures their "spiritual progress" and "special status", they seek positions of control within the organization. The universally-minded members, seeing the rot set in, suffer until they are ready to leave the organization. In their fear of failing to prove their false "special status" to the world, the remaining body of hypocrites strive to impress and brainwash each other; if they have the power, they go as far as torturing and killing "outsiders" and "nonbelievers". In this state of "divisional insanity" or religious intolerance, people and their organizations only prove they have nothing constructive to offer the world.

All religions have been founded by those who aspire to control others, with the pretense being that they have altruistic intentions; they wish to exploit those who only have the capacity to follow. People who know they are God in their essence do not need the advice of those who merely claim to be God's representatives.

God could only be 'infinitely merciful' if one believed He had human qualities, which my concept precludes. God cannot be merciful because He (or more precisely, It) is basically a set of universal or spiritual laws which it is up to us to discover by first looking within, where God lives. God is not merciful, but "indifferent" to and one with all, through Its laws. He/It is as uncaring as the family car, but can get you places. It is only we that should be 'infinitely merciful', should we learn The Law of Love from childhood, and be able to live it. As babies, we accept what is around us and have no possessiveness or pride. God is first crucified in the toddler who cries out "This is mine!", with all its implications. To be happy as adults, we must be as babies again, but spiritually conscious babies.

Blasphemy (contempt for God or spirituality) is a show of weakness or ignorance, and is its own punishment, for to despise God is to despise one's Self. A T-shirt slogan that reads "Love is for losers" seems like "hip blasphemy" because Love is the essence of godliness. Those that cannot love or despise love cannot fulfill themselves and be happy, because Love is the very essence of the Being of every one of us spiritual beings "on a human journey". My translation of the slogan is "I am a loser", the "I consciousness" being God Itself, which is crucified or "lost" by the person's "hiply blasphemous" thought.

You said, 'Truly, who can punish in the name of God better than God?' Indeed! People need do nothing, for "revenge is mine, saith the Lord" (Bible) and "Allah postpones but does not forget".

Yes, it is possible for a true 'nonbeliever' to do God's Will. Modern religions stimulate no greater spiritual consciousness than ancient religions like sun or nature worship. A sect of sun worshippers would have to be truly deluded to believe that they were the only ones who could see the sun. But knowing us, no doubt the sect who worshipped it standing on their head would persecute the sect who just liked to worship standing on their feet, hehe. Lao Tzu implies that the contented lives of "simple peasants" should not be interfered with; he states that sages kept people in the dark and that the people are dummies; and that with learning (read "holy books") "the great pretense begins." Without a spiritual concept, esoteric and allegorical writing and stories are misinterpreted by the masses, resulting in such ungodly "religious" extremes as the oxymoronic "holy war". It seems that the writers of "holy books" weren't concerned about misinterpretation of their writing, knowing that

people will always find a reason to kill each other; they wrote for those who could perceive the hidden messages.

I am a 'nonbeliever' (i.e. i do not belong to any religion). I have not always done God's will because i am human and weak, not always able to do what I know I should do. If one cannot draw from the Self and be motivated by it, something that should happen without effort, one might consider Lao Tzu's words and not worry: "Let life ripen and then fall, will is not the way at all." Disregard man's and your own will; God's will is the only will that matters. If you cannot do God's will now, seek It and one day you may, for "Seek and ye shall find" (Bible).

An atheist (one who denies the existence of God and rejects all religious belief) will do God's will if they are kind, compassionate, and reluctant to hurt any living thing. If they are loving, their thoughts and actions will contradict their views; they will be a godly person who says "I am not part of God." I think atheists don't want responsibility, because knowing you're God brings responsibilities and challenges, hehe.

It is not God's will that we join a religion or worship Him/It in any particular way. It is said that the first sin is in being born, because one is separated from God. The "separation" from God comes from the ignorance and misconception of human mind. Then there is the subsequent divisional separation of men from each other by the formation of religions, organizations, countries, etc. The sin in this is not in the division but in how it's interpreted. If one can be divided yet know that all must be one, then one is safe; one is one with one's fellow man, one's Self and God. As soon as the division is deemed to have some special significance (read "I'm a **** and you're not") we are lost, separated from one's fellow man, one's Self, and God.

When i go to a Catholic church, i'm a Catholic. I'm also a Buddhist, Hindu, and Taoist; there just aren't so many opportunites to be the last three.

You ask 'Is happiness even a goal?'. All i can say is it's not something you can work toward, like creating a collection. Wisdom is man's ultimate attainment, but very few get there. People can find temporary "happiness" in whipping each other; you mean the lasting kind of happiness that seems to elude most of us for long periods of time, or often life. Our Reason of Being is to be happy; harmony or merging with the Reason of Being, Spirit, Self, Universal Love (of God), within us is happiness Itself. Finding It and being one with It is the elusive "goal", but if you think of it as a "goal" you will probably never find it, for making an issue of obtaining something tends to put it out of reach. "There is no greater curse than wanting something for oneself". But the butterly of happiness or love may just land on you when you stop trying to catch it.

You ask who can say what God's will is. His will is slightly different in all, but basically the same. Who can answer? Well, only one who is detached by a universal spiritual concept from all religious, political, racial or other division of people into groups. In other words, me, perhaps you ... another ... and another.... also known as God. But we have to be an underground, unknown personally to each other, or we might become a division.

thank you.



"Live unknown"

By Ivan A. on Friday, June 3, 2005 - 09:33 pm:

Dear luxin, you said in yours above:


God could only be 'infinitely merciful' if one believed He had human qualities, which my concept precludes. God cannot be merciful because He (or more precisely, It) is basically a set of universal or spiritual laws which it is up to us to discover by first looking within, where God lives. God is not merciful, but "indifferent" to and one with all, through Its laws. He/It is as uncaring as the family car, but can get you places. It is only we that should be 'infinitely merciful', should we learn The Law of Love from childhood, and be able to live it. As babies, we accept what is around us and have no possessiveness or pride. God is first crucified in the toddler who cries out "This is mine!", with all its implications. To be happy as adults, we must be as babies again, but spiritually conscious babies.

This idea is a basic premise in the story "Giammai --Black Messiah" (scroll down to bottom, to see it) I wrote last years, that "God is Everything". There is no "compassion" from "everything" and it could go either way, for the good or the bad. I suspect this may be a major fallacy in religious thinking going back through the ages, that God is only the Good. No, He/She is everything. What it is up to us humans is to awake to this, and then choose within ourselves that which is the good. And when we are fully conscious of Who we are, that we have a great capacity from infinity to do good, we find that compassion is natural. It is not a difficult choice to make, once we truly understand everything, and that to understand another human being is truly an awesome demand, maybe even impossible. Who can possibly know another person, without having lived inside their skin, walked in their paths of life, and seen through their eyes and heart? Is it any wonder then that in our American Constitution it is written that a man is innocent until proven guilty? Of course we are, since no other may ever truly know us, so must be forgiven a priori, but convicted if guilty of crime and trespass. In effect, we "live unknown", as you had said. God's Will will be different for each human being, because that being is the Who they are, which is a definition from an infinite universe of life manifest here on Earth, and perhaps many other places as well.

It was also written in the earlier thread
"What is God's Will?", by WJ:


Perhaps one should begin by trying to first define the concepts of love, peace an compassion.  Then, try explaining why it is a universal virtuous value for all human's to follow.  And if it is, see if our natural laws of conscience flush-out the good, bad, and ugly. I agree that there ought to be universal laws that guide all human affairs to effect the good of all mankind.  But, we also see that for some religions, good means a twisted sense of punishment, evil and death.

It makes no sense for anyone, nor any religion, to have a spiritual monopoly on what is God's will. One religious interpretation of "good" may be another religions "bad", which terribly complicates things. So no blanket human knowledge, as an interpretation of God's will, since that could be an interpretation of "everything" that is God, good and bad, which is to interpret the infinite. Is this not absurdly small minded of us to even try? There is a rule of law that finds either agreement or not with how life is. And that rule is simply to seek agreement between conscious human beings, and all living things, and to avert coercions. I suspect that the more consciously evolved we become, the more this rule will make sense to us. Then we will better know that God is not the "all-everlasting-good", but that we can be. So when we universally seek to define God as Love, we are doing just that, finding it in ourselves. And in that may be our human redemption, in that we are able to rise to the next level, where we become conscious of how God is Love.

In that same earlier thread, it was also written:


But would it not be wonderful if this was to be elevated in all the religions by their supporters to the level where it belongs? Would not religious scholars, and philosophers, seek to find in the scriptures where this Law applies, or is exemplified? I think the beauty of all the holy writings is their depth. And though they may be filled with paradox, we can glean from them what is powerful and meaningful to us. What if all the religious clerics were to find that in their holy scriptures this Law exists? Would it not be imperative for them to let all their adherents know? And if they did that, would they be doing God's Will? Or as WJ states, 'consciousness' is the key, that we become conscious of this Law, so that we can become subjects to this highest Authority. Would this bring us closer to doing God's Will?

In that may be the key, that all the readers, teachers, clerics, scholars, who pick through the Scriptures to understand all the fine points should choose carefully what it is in God's Will that reflects the best we humans can offer. That too is God's Will, that we choose consciously Who we are.

By Anonymous on Thursday, June 16, 2005 - 09:27 am:


Suddenly, you do not want to hurt and cause pain anymore, and you want to help others in pain, or heal. Suddenly, you are no longer dead, you wake. You know you wake when you no longer think dead thoughts, and you want to be an instrument of peace. Awake, you do God's will.

The greatest gift to mankind is that of helpfulness.

Arnold A. Gallo (deceased)

Lynn, Mass

By luxin on Tuesday, August 9, 2005 - 11:01 pm:

August 9, 2005 ~ writer: luxin

Divine Plan Basics

dear God (God-in-humans or "We/You", including Ivan (God-in-Ivan, god or "you")),

how are You? ... yeah? when asked how I am, i say "Incredible" ~ some wonder ... i say "what else could I be?" ~ besides, "I" stands for "Incredible".

that was great seeing Discovery over your house!

the We above indicates i'm also writing to or for my Self ~ thank you for the reminder that God is everything ~ regarding celibacy, now i may state that when man/woman (as god the microcosm), rejects self (i.e. sexuality) and its expression, man/woman can also be seen as implicitly rejecting God the Macrocosm in His/Her entirety, for rejection of one part means rejection or nonacceptance of the whole ~ Buddha advised: "Do not reject one thing only to chase after another"; the intent of this is that the two things are complementary; they can be sexuality and spirituality.

you suspect the idea that "God is only the Good" may be a fallacy in religious thinking, and go on to say:

"No, He/She is everything. What it is up to us humans is to awake to this, and then choose within ourselves that which is the good."

in monism or holism (the primary concept of Hinduism), perceiving dualities is considered illusion or deception ~ perceiving dualities is only constructive when the two parts are primarily seen as inseparable and cooperative elements of a unity.

this post includes:

1) guidelines, with commentary, for drawing what i call "the Sphere of the One", which includes comments on evil, shown symbolically and logically as originating in one place only: human mind.

2) a refutation of the fallacies that "good" is opposed to "evil", and that "evil" has real power and should be "fought";

3) considered proof that all things are good in themselves, including all form or flesh and human sexual desire (physical love or eros).

the drawbacks of dualistic thinking

the theological definition of dualism is "the doctrine that there are two mutually antagonistic principles in the universe, good and evil." rubbish!

in dualistic thinking (seeing pairs of contradictory as opposed to complementary opposites), qualifying a person or thing often misleadingly suggests that another person or thing may be significantly different ~ when students of a certain teacher said "you are our friend" to him, he replied, pointing to a third party, asking "and he is not?" ~ the idea, "God is only the Good" can be misinterpreted as implying that man/woman ("god", or the instrument of God) is "evil"; this is allegedly induced by Greek thought that stressed soul or spirit over body, and has been furthered by the evil-seeing, "sinner"-condemning, self-agonizing and crucifixion-obsessed Christian martyr Paul of Tarsus, whose dualistic illusions have encouraged like-minded people to practice flagellation and sexually deviant celibacy in the hope of realizing the Kingdom of Heaven -- "...but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live." (Romans 8:13) ~ incidentally, the Jews in Paul's time did not approve of celibacy, being strongly in favour of marriage and children, and had the concept that "all things were good" ~ Paul had been a Jew, and the practice of polygyny was the norm among both Jews and Christians in early times ~ Jesus utters a veiled reference to the spiritual death of ascetics and hedonists in Matthew 15:4: "For God commanded, saying, Honour thy father and mother: and, He that curseth father or mother, let him die the death." ~ father and mother are figurative, and mean one's inner and outer natures.

I have been held back by dualistic thinking, which seems quite seductive, suggesting that everything is black and white, "good" and "evil" etc. ~ considering the false sense of dividedness that dualism induces between humanity as a whole and between the individual's higher and lower natures, I now seek to first bring falsely "separate" elements of a duality into their unity ~ dualities are only constructive mental constructs with respect to their unity; that is why I now prefer to call them "dual unities".

Chuang Tzu wrote: "...the sage embraces things, though throngs of men discriminate among them and make a great show of their discrimination. Therefore I say, 'Those who discriminate cannot see.'"

concepts of unity/oneness and duality compared

answers.com/topic/taoism provides this on the symbol of Taoism: "The Yin-Yang or Taiji ... represents any two opposing forces in nature. The black spot in the white and the corresponding spot in the black signify that nothing is purely good or bad. Yin and Yang are in a swirl motion to indicate the always and universal presence of change in the Universe." I suggest You mentally replace the delusive word "opposing" above with "coexistent".

the life-affirming and healthy concept of unity

the concept of unity helps one to see the false "duality" of spirituality (so-called "good") and sexuality (so-called "evil") as not "mutually antagonistic", as denoted by theological dualism, but mutually supportive -- and that the balanced expression of both spirituality and sexuality as a "dual unity" on the middle path of moderation in all things is essential to true happiness or enlightenment ~ spirituality and sexuality go hand in hand, like man and wife; together they represent life; separate they represent powers of dissolution ~ here are the life-, happiness- and Self/self- or oneness-affirming words of Rabbi Ben Ezra:

"To man, propose this test -- The body at its best -- How far can that project thy soul on its lone way? -- Let us not always say -- 'Spite of this flesh today I strove, made head, gained ground upon the whole!' -- As the bird wings and sings, Let us cry 'All good things are ours, nor soul helps flesh more, now, than flesh helps soul!"

to a Loved sex partner You could sing a song praising their physical beauty to the tune of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star": (your own lyrics here) ~ i use capital-L Loved, coz without Spiritual Respect an erotic song has no Life in it, and can't be justified ~ I refuse to even give the impression i might be a sexual hypocrite; my environment and my writing should reflect the real person I am.

the True Love of God includes loving the form of The One

there are few who love the beauty of a woman's body more than i ~ our bodies are a beautiful form of The One ~ when one looks at a beautiful human form one is looking at God's creation, and "He" does not create anything evil ~ when one observes the gentleness and strength of our curling toes; the soft glow of the skin; the crowning glory of the head's hair or baldness like summer and winter; the gentle curves like the rolling hills of heaven on earth; the light walk of one who lives for love; and the beauty of the eyes of one who knows there is evil but is only seeing the good and beautiful -- one is looking at God's reflection -- one is looking at, even though it may be "incomplete", the most beautiful thing you'll ever see with your eyes.

celibacy is based on ungodly fear

the following quote regarding the vow of Brahmacharya (Celibacy) in Hinduism is from The Mahabharata and hinduism.org.za/celibacy.htm: "One that has betaken oneself to that vow should not speak with women. He should never cast his eyes on an undressed woman." ~ celibates fear self because they fear they will not obtain Self-realization unless they reject their own lower nature ~ but one cannot fulfill one's Self or find God by trying to ignore Him; i.e. His form ~ God is not for the fearful, but for those who are comfortable with all of The One and Its beauty ~ does a Hindu celibate enjoy the beauty of a tree or the sea, and avert his eyes from a beautiful woman? ~ this is discrimination, or judgmental favoritism ~ celibates presume to be on a spiritual path; however, they are actually against God because they fear and are not ready to accept and appreciate all of "the form of The One" ~ if one imagined God as a "sage", he might say to the celibate, "How can you expect to know Me when you can't even look at My form? ~ Do you think I created goddesses to be ignored? Half of Me is in them!" (His laughter rocks heaven and earth.) ~ it's a good thing "The Spirit" is impersonal, so we "sinners" can feel secure in our sin; not the object of satirical contempt; also, a sage would say nothing.

i've tried celibacy; the long-term type had undesirable consequences, only intensifying my sex obsession ~ we all must try what we believe will help us, but should remember that false prophets abound, and we're all affected by false prophesy to some degree ~ we are all by nature "false" in being a reflection of God, corresponding to the latter terms in the formulas: True+false; Light+dark; Spirituality+religion; True prophecy+false prophecy; Self+self ~ Self-realization doesn't change one's basic "falseness"; any so-called "wise person" is never perfectly wise because they are human and make mistakes like everybody else; the latter are always "foolish wise".

asceticism and self-loathing is not The Way

then there's the cautionary tale of the ascetic dualist Paul of Tarsus, who dreamed of being a prisoner-of-war being led to crucifixion in a Roman victory parade ~ when dear Paul -- whose beautiful paraphrasing of Jesus's admonition "Judge not...." was interestingly clearer in meaning than that included in the later written Book of Matthew -- went into Rome ("the lion's mouth") after Nero began torturing and executing Christians, none of the Roman Christians came to support him at his trial, thinking he was just a troublemaker ~ in his seventies, Paul was beheaded ~ as a young Pharisee, Paul had persecuted Christians ~ it is surmised that he had a wife and children and that they were lost in some unrevealed way ~ it is guessed that he had a "problem" with sex (a "thorn"), and loathed himself ~ Paul often dramatically recreated Jesus's crucifixion for his followers ~ Paul never met the alleged Jesus he "emulated" ~ Paul condemned "sinners" (1 Corinthians etc), something Jesus, teacher of the Law of Love, did not do ~ most of the population of Jerusalem was busy with Passover holiday preparation on the day that Jesus was allegedly crucified....

the Sphere of The One (God the All)

here are guidelines for drawing, on paper, a circle with graphics inside it which is a two-dimensional representation of the three-dimensional Sphere of The One ~ one draws a circle etc. but should envision a sphere ~ the matter of sexuality is not relevant to the Sphere of The One, which is only a general representation of "Spirit+form", so I have used the genderless terms "The Spirit of The One" (aka "The Spirit" or "It") and "the form of The One" (aka "the form" or "it") ~ "The One" does mean "God the All" in both Spirit and form, but any tendency toward anthropomorphism should be reduced by using the term "The One" instead of "God" ~ here are the formulas for The One, or God the All:

The One = The Spirit of The One++the form of The One
God (the All) = God the Father (The Spirit of god the mother)++god the mother (form or body of God the Father)

step no. 1: the point of The Spirit of the One

one first makes a small point in the centre of a page. the point should not be too big, because it symbolizes the invisible quality within form, like the abstract essence contained within a seed; it represents The Spirit of the One, or the spirit essence of all living beings ~ the point is analogous to the sun in our solar system or the nucleus of an atom, and, as the sun's presence is essential to life in our solar system, a being's spirit spark is essential to that being's life ~ the symbolic point of "The Spirit" point is analogous to the first step in geometry, the point.

a seed symbolizes the first stage of Universal Consciousness

a single plant seed is a microcosmic symbol of The One in Its Essence and Its form; as The Macrocosmic One is comprised of all things or "everything", the microcosmic seed also contains within itself all things relative to its plant ~ a plant's unseen abstract essence, quality or spirit power within its seed is a tiny facet of the vast and eternal God the Father, Father Nature, or "The Spirit", and is its plant species' Reason of Being or complete plan of potential unfoldment to the plant's place or role in the visible world of form or quantity as part of the "eternally temporal" god the mother or mother nature.

there are two types of mathematics: quantitative mathematics, which deals with visible manifestations; and qualitative mathematics, which deals with the qualities or characteristics of consciousness (Divine and human) which are not visible to the eye, but are consciously discernable by the mind.

the seed, "the beginning", or the first stage of life determined by "The Spirit", is symbolized by the number 1 in qualitative mathematics ~ the 1 quality in a human being shows as physical strength, determination, and fearless individuality; the solitary seed symbolizes the person with the 1 quality, who is not afraid to stand alone.

step no. 2: the sphere of the form of The One

next a circle representing the sphere of the form of The One is drawn around the point of The Spirit of The One ~ though the circle has two dimensions on paper, envisioning a sphere's three dimensions suggests the visible or tangible bodies of life forms ~ inorganic matter is not part of Beings' forms but supports them, either nourishing them or providing an environment for them to live in ~ the inorganic environmental matter is essential to Beings' forms, and is one with them ~ the sphere is an extension of the first step into form and the second step in geometry, the line, which is a point moved through space ~ both the circle and sphere represent the outer end points of fixed length radius lines extended in every direction, within a fixed-axis plane or all rotated planes thereof respectively, from the point of "The Spirit".

every quality of Consciousness (Reason of Being or Essence) -- or facet of "The Spirit" symbolized by the central point -- has its own physical vehicle (being or form) in the unconscious aspect of The One, "the form" ~ the quality of the individual being's Consciousness is its Reason of Being ~ the envisioned sphere so far represents, with the exception of humanity, beings' Reason of Being or Essence, Beings' forms, and beings' incidental inorganic environmental matter ~ note that, because of the absence of humanity at this point, we do not yet have the uppercase Sphere (of the All), but an incomplete lower-case "sphere" ~ the 'formula' for our current sphere is:

sphere = ("The Spirit" point + "the form" sphere) - humanity
sphere = (Being+being) - humanity

the merging of "The Spirit" and "the form"

next, lightly draw in 3 rays radiating from the point of "The Spirit" ~ the rays should "divide" the circle into 3 sections of equal size, with one ray being a radius from the centre to either the top or the bottom of the circumference ~ the result looks like an upside-down or a right-side-up "Y" ~ the rays illustrate the intimate and mutually dependent relationship between "The Spirit" and "the form"; the latter now symbolically permeated throughout by the impalpable but perceptible degrees of Consciousness emanating from Universal Consciousness (The Spirit of the One) ~ in the qualitative mathematical conception of the Circle, the number of rays should be nine, the complete number ~ the sphere is now getting "sexy", with "The Spirit" merged with "the form" like a sperm with an egg -- such is Life! ~ the absence of sexual metaphor in discussions is "spiritually pretentious", inducing the illusion that sexuality itself is "evil".

in the Catholic "Hail Mary", Mary ("who" symbolizes the ever-changing "god the mother") is praised: "Hail Mary, full of grace: the Lord is with you; Blessed are you among women; And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God: Pray for us "sinners" now and at the hour of our death. Amen." ~ Mary is believed to be the literal mother of the alleged man Jesus, but esoterically symbolizes the fertility, "negative" or receptive aspect of The One: "the form" ~ Hinduism's symbol for the temporal and fertile aspect of The One is the god Shiva, representing physical birth and death.

why threefold humanity, or "conscious life", is not yet in the sphere

the Sphere of The One is not yet complete because a graphic element representing humanity or mortal human mind has not yet been added to it ~ so far the sphere symbolizes, collectively and individually, all species (plus their environment) except homo sapiens ~ we have not yet "entered the picture" as a species because we are the only species that has conscious intelligence expressed through language, the use of written language being our species' most outstanding characteristic ~ the only mind presently indicated in the sphere is Divine Mind (aka Universal Consciousness or The Spirit of The One) for all species except homo sapiens ~ Our portion of Divine Mind is spiritually conscious (not merely conscious to some degree as with other beings) and is called Spiritual Consciousness ~ because the planes of eternal Spiritual Consciousness of woman&man and their relative qualities or channel of conscious intelligence (mortal human mind) form our first inseparable dual unity, if human mind is not yet symbolized then our Spiritual Consciousness can't be "in the picture" either ~ neither is the human body "in the picture", because our body is part of our second dual nature or "dual unity" of mind and body.

summarizing the above information regarding woman&man:

because we have mortal human mind (conscious life) we are the only species that is threefold (a trinity, or unity with 3 parts):

spirit+mind+body OR body+mind+spirit;

our trinity consisting of two dualities or "dual unities":

. spirit+mind; or eternal Spiritual Consciousness++mortal human mind; and
. mind+body; or mortal human conscious intelligence++unconscious human body.

all other species are twofold, or "dual unities" represented by the formula, spirit+form.

letters and their corresponding numbers are "the name of God"

we are the only species that names things and gives each other names composed of letters which have specific mathematical places in our languages, and which represent qualities of intelligence ~ it is this ability to name people and things and communicate with language that reflects our inherently Divine nature and sets humanity apart from all other beings ~ according to Z'ev ben Shimon Halevi in "Kabbalah, The Divine Plan", Kabbalistic legend relates that Lucifer was a nonhuman archangel created before the first human, Adam, and "In order to demonstrate that a human being was the most perfect image of Divinity, a contest was set up in which Lucifer and Adam were to compete in naming animals." Lucifer failed and was humiliated, "for the archangel had not been given the ability to invent or create."

it is mind and its vehicle, language, that allow us to understand God or The One, especially our own individual Spiritual Consciousness or Reason of Being, which varies mathematically from person to person ~ "the name of God" is referred to in the Bible as that which cannot be spoken, literally true because it means the mathematical principle of language and mind through which one may understand God or The One ~ this principle is the key referred to by Jesus: "Woe unto you, lawyers! for ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered." (Luke 11:52) ~ i share The Key with You, and am privileged to do so.

St. Augustine wrote: "... numbers are the thoughts of God ... The Divine Wisdom is reflected in the numbers impressed on all things ... the construction of the physical and moral world alike is based on eternal numbers."

step no. 3: humanity, the conscious part of The One ("God's child")

symbolically speaking, step no. 3 in drawing The Sphere of The One represents the birth, creation or appearance of threefold humanity (synonymous with language or conscious life) in the Universe ~ one adds the equilateral triangle symbol for our human species, which -- if you drew the 3 rays like an upside-down "Y", should be drawn with its horizontal base near the bottom of the circle and an opposite "apex" with its point at the top of the circumference ~ reverse the triangle if you drew the rays in as a right-side-up "Y" ~ the points of the rays should meet with the points of the triangle's acute angles, "dividing" the triangle into 3 equal sections ~ ta-da! the Universe is complete! it's showtime, now we're on the stage! ~ it's "showtime" because the number 3 symbolizes the first expression of manifest life or self-expression in our species, which is our conscious intelligence expressed through speech or singing ~ the 3 is the number of love and happiness in a more physical sense ~ in plant life, the 3rd stage is the first shoot above the ground that says "here i am!".

it is no accident that human life in our solar system is first and only found on the third planet of nine planets, nine being the complete number ~ according to the principle of number, human beings will likely be found on the third planet of any solar system similar to ours.

the symbolic "emergence" of humanity or mortal mind in nature is represented by the third step in geometry, the triangle ~ we are the ultimate creation or "children" of God or The One at the third stage, the result of the merging of our Spiritual Consciousness with its human body or Temple of the Spirit ~ however, until a child is given a name, no conscious intelligence is developed, something verified by the subnormal state of children who were not named: they merely grunt and cannot learn to speak ~ our name creates our mind or conscious life, and we are not fully human without it ~ in naming, we have the power to create the qualities of our intelligence which can give us the potential to understand all things, "bridging the gap" between spirit and form ~ the key to understanding the "problem" of evil lies in studying human mind and our use of language.

the 3-sided triangle symbolizes the showy and shallow nature of our threefold and lovable species living for fun or self-expression, regarding any deep subject as a bore ~ in The Circle/Sphere of The One, the triangle symbolizes us ("god" or humanity) as the first primitive, limited or distorted reflection of God, its 3 equidistant circumferential points and 3 sides produced by the division of the Circle/Sphere into 3 parts ~ the 3 points of our triangle touching the sphere symbolize our potential to understand the whole of life, but in a limited, physical way until Self is understood by the mind ~ the limited and shallow yet potentially Divine nature of humanity is symbolized by the fact that the human triangle is a shallow, plane figure without dimension, yet its 3 aspects "reach out to touch God" or The One ~ when living in the complacency of self or personality, humanity's false sense of completeness is symbolized by its "triangle that thinks it's a circle"; and the vast number of different orientations of the plane human triangle within the Sphere represent humanity's many limited, self-serving views or doctrines and the implicit fear and intolerance of other views ~ the 3 more-or-less opposing sides symbolize the ease with which humanity can become exclusively trapped in any of its 3 natures: physical (viz. "emotionality" or endless personal feelings), mental (viz. "intellectuality", or endless paths of knowledge) , or "spiritual" (viz. mysticism, which is lacking in discernment).

happiness is "approaching The One"

we may partially overcome the inherent limitations of being a human being (a microcosmic reflection of the macrocosmic God) by understanding the 9 qualities of spirit or mind ~ becoming more universal in concept is symbolized by the sequence of polygons/polyhedrons with an increasing number of sides, each successive multi-sided reflection of The One becoming more like a circle or sphere, symbolizing a more universal state of mind, yet still distorted, and never perfect ~ humanity can become more godlike, but never perfectly "wise" or "sinless", for we are only a reflection of "The Spirit", not the source ~ if Jesus had been a man, he would not have been "sinless" ~ the word "sinless" and the term "free of sin" do not exist in the Bible; the term "without sin" (John 8:7) implies an impossible state in a human being ~ therefore Jesus, the "perfect man" or Prince of Peace of the Bible represents a concept: the potential attainment of Spiritual Consciousness, or happiness and peace of mind, by those who are ready ~ but Self-realization is NOT arrived at by overseriously seeking spiritual enlightenment and attempting to deny the desires of the body; one reaches it on the middle path between the two extremes: "All things in moderation".

Chuang Tzu advises us to cherish what is within us and disregard what is without ~ Pythagoras advises us to know and love ourselves above all things ~ every person is the Book of Life spoken of in Revelation, with all potential Divine Wisdom waiting to be revealed from within to the mind ~ Thich Nhat Hanh writes, in Old Path White Clouds: The Life Story of the Buddha:

"Liberation and enlightenment do not exist outside of your own self. We need only open our eyes to see that we ourselves are the very essence of liberation and enlightenment. All dharmas, all beings, contain the nature of full enlightenment within themselves. Don't look for it outside yourself ... nothing in the universe exists independently of your own consciousness ... Don't search for them elsewhere. Remember that the object of consciousness cannot exist independently from consciousness...."

the truth is few of us reach enlightenment, for the necessary combination of knowledge, Love and balance cannot simply be acquired by reading books ~ Wisdom cannot be taught ~ before Self-realization, one must suffer, and wait, analyzing life; using the mind, not setting it aside; and loving one's True Self and the Selves of others, for therein lies God ~ one must wait for the right moment when one rises above fears one thinks one never will ~ God is not for the fearful ~ one cannot progress without Love, for Love is of God ~ if you have love in your heart you're closer to God than those with all the knowledge in the world, and lacking Love: "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." (Matthew 5:8)

the following admonitions apply to the error of desiring or wanting enlightenment or wisdom: "There is no greater curse than wanting something for oneself" (unknown) and "That thou mayest know everything, seek to know nothing." (St. John of the Cross) ~ it is said, "Seek and ye shall find", but one can only attain to wisdom when one is ready for it, not by merely seeking and obtaining it as with knowledge ~ reaching enlightenment is analogous to a large and beautiful tree that has grown slowly but surely to produce much wonderful fruit, flowers and seeds despite having been tested severely by wind, rain and drought for many years ~ to desire something we are not ready for is to fear its loss, and to fear its loss is to lose it ~ the eastern concepts of desirelessness and aimlessness are the response to the loss and suffering that follow the desire for or seeking of any particular thing or state ~ Lao Tzu relates that a sage does not attempt anything very big, and Jesus taught that unless we are as little children (read contented with little things, not driven by ambition, love of money, etc) we would not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.

the Catholic Sign of the Cross

making the Catholic Sign of the Cross in front of one's chest creates the triangular symbol for threefold humanity, using the trinity of the father, son and holy ghost; it symbolizes Eternal Wisdom which has become lost or hidden within mere ritual ~ we are the only species that is threefold, so the symbol must represent us ~ the Sign shows how our divine and positive inner nature ("The Father") may merge with our human or "negative" outer nature to produce Wisdom ~ this interpretation is not likely to be found in current Catholic literature, but must have been understood long ago.

the Sign of the Cross is spoken thus:

"In the name of the Father, and of the son, and of the Holy Ghost." ~ here's the sequence of making the 4 points of the cross in front of oneself:

1. during the phrase "In the name" one points to the forehead when the word "name" is reached ~ this reminds the initiated that our names, symbolically represented as written on the forehead, are one with the nature or qualities of human mind and personality ~ the brain is merely the receiving instrument for qualities of conscious intelligence, not the source of mind itself; the brain's counterpart regarding radio waves is a radio ~ there are numerous references to names in or on foreheads in the Bible (e.g. Rev 22:4).

2. when the word "Father" in "of the Father" is reached, one points down to the solar plexus or abdominal area ~ the "Father" or Spiritual Consciousness of an individual is his Reason of Being or Divine Purpose, and therefore is considered to be and is symbolized as the "root" or of an individual, from which all true or spiritual growth proceeds ~ the Cross symbol of humanity parallels humanity as The Tree of Life ~ when one says "Father" and points down one is pointing to one's symbolic spirit root as if one's root was where a natural tree has its root system ~ when one points to "the Father", one is "pointing" to one's True Self, or positive, eternal and divine inner nature.

when one realizes this symbol of the trinity can only refer to humanity, "In the name of the Father" can only mean the name(s) we are given at birth ~ the Biblical references to the "name of God" refer to the personal names of human beings; "The Spirit", being impersonal, cannot have a name; "He" is "beyond name" ~ therefore "the name of the Father" is our name(s), which create the channel (mind) through which "the Father" (Spiritual Consciousness) has its expression.

3. when the word "son" in "and [the name] of the son" is reached, one points to one's left shoulder ~ the word "son" esoterically represents a human, or "child of God", and the "left" direction symbolizes moving into negative form or dimension, or how the positive God the Father is taking form in negative humanity, the reflection or image of God ~ the Latin synonym for "left" is sinister, with its negative connotation ~ the negative reflection of eternal Divine Mind is temporal human mind ~ the "name" is now implicitly the "name of the son", or the name of a man or woman.

4. when the term "Holy Ghost" is reached, one points to one's right shoulder ~ here we are moving in a considered positive direction, the Latin "dexter", synonym for "right", derived from the Latin "docere", to teach (cf. docent = lecturer), and meaning decent, or "proper and fitting" ~ the "Holy Ghost" is the "Word of God" referred to in John 1:1, also known as the Logos or Divine Reason ~ the "Word of God" can only be expressed through human mind and speech; it represents humanity's ultimate accomplishment -- the expression of Wisdom -- when Divine Mind (God) and human mind (god) are in harmony, or when "the son knows the Father" ~ the "Word of God" is spoken or comes into being in the 3rd stage, as the "fruit of God and humanity/mind)", analogous to a child being a "fruit of man and woman" ~ the positive Divine Reason or Logos is now expressed in speech or writing through the conjoined negative communicatory channel of the human mind, voice, eye and hand ~ the triangular symbol for threefold humanity is now complete with the complete Sign of the Cross, with humanity's potential for spiritualized mind and Wisdom symbolized by the merging and potential harmony of God or Eternal Divine Consciousness with temporal human consciousness ~ the formulas for humanity's ultimate expression are:

Divine Mind++human mind=>Divine Word
Father+son=>Holy Ghost
Spiritual Consciousness++human mind=>Logos (Reason, Wisdom or Spiritual Life)
1+2=>3 [we're as simple as 1 2 3! hehehe!]

the crucifix (Christ on the cross) is a symbol of humanity in its present state, "crucified on the cross" of personality and materiality, before spiritual awakening; the latter has been misinterpreted as involving asceticism ~ Christ's two arms, plus his legs considered as one straight down, form the 3 rays at the centre of the triangle of humanity; this is considered proof that Christ represents every person, not just one alleged man.

the six: the number of humanity and human mind

when the circle is extended to a sphere, the "human triangle" becomes a 6-sided polygon or hexahedron (not the cube-type hexahedron) ~ the number 6 is the number of the sixth sense, human mind ~ the hexahedron has 5 points, all touching the sphere, symbolizing humanity's seeking or reaching out to understand life via the 5 senses ~ our seeking nature is also symbolized by the 5 digits of the hand or foot.

the "negative" aspect of the number 6 symbolizes humanity living complacently in the world of materiality, thinking itself "wise", not yet understanding its spiritual nature and universal laws ~ if one takes the three 60-degree angles of the triangle, 60-60-60, and drops the zeroes, we have 666, the number of humanity referenced in Revelation 13:18 -- "...the number of the beast; for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred threescore and six." ~ the number 666 reduced to a single digit is 9, the ultimate number in the complete principle of nine; all numbers reduce to a single digit in the range of 1 to 9 ~ the number 9 symbolizes a powerful quality that intensifies both the great inspiration and the great degeneration that humanity is capable of ~ In Judaism's Kabbalah, "The number 9 was seen as the highest attainable where it symbolized realization, success, circle - the beginning meeting the end, the number of heaven; angel; paradise on earth." (from "As above - so below" by Arvid Luneng) ~ Humanity as a microcosmic reflection of Divinity, God or the macrocosmic whole is symbolized by Luneng's insertion of numbers into the axiom: "as above (999), so below (666)"; the symbolic inference is that no matter which way you view humanity, we are God, but to be godlike and spiritual (999), a "reversal" of humanity's material and emotional complacency (666) is necessary ~ both 666 and 999 reduce to the same number, 9, implying that we are all potentially spiritual, whether potentially godlike (666), or godlike (999) ~ symbolically, when our godlike potential "turns around" from 9 to 6, we represent "the beast"; the 6 quality on the side of self represents dominance, intolerance, imposition of will and narrow-mindedness ~ for "the position of world dominator", George W. Bush is well qualified, having plenty of 6 quality in his makeup.

the 6-faceted outer aspect of the hexahedron and its jewel-like appearance of perfection symbolizes the seduction of mortal mind into complacency maintained by the illusion of completeness or fullness of existence based solely on evidence of the beauty of life presented by the 5 senses ~ the next evolutionary step is seeking within human mind for answers not obtained by the process of scientific seeking into form, or the outward beauty of life, using the 5 senses.

step no. 4: human mind completes The Sphere of The One

the 6 quality contains the promise of a spiritual awakening ~ in the plant world, the 6th stage, budding, happens when the plant's energies are directed within the buds in preparation for flowering, and little appears to be happening outwardly ~ from the 5 points of the hexahedron we move within to establish a 6th "point" inside by adding a small circle/sphere around "The Spirit" point ~ the result equates with the "all-seeing eye" symbol of Freemasonry, which is a human eye inside a triangle with rays radiating out from it in every direction ~ this "eye" (dot or "pupil" inside small circle/sphere), which in the complete Sphere looks in all directions, represents human mind now conscious of itself and all evident life ~ at the sixth stage the "eye" is looking outward ~ the next step in a human's evolution is represented by the "eye" (mind) turning within, in the 7th, 8th and 9th stages, to "see" (know) or draw from the inner Wisdom of the Self or Spiritual Consciousness ~ the 9 stages are symbolized within the Great Pyramid, which is termed "the Bible in stone".

the 9 qualities of Spiritual Consciousness -- the highest vibrations of Universal Consciousness (aka Divine Mind, God the Father, or The Spirit of The One) are reserved, in the Divine Plan, for our species which has conscious life (mortal mind) and is the only species having the potential for Spiritual or Christ Consciousness ~ one's Reason of Being is in the qualities of Spiritual Consciousness which are symbolized by numbers from one's birthdate ~ one may regard the Sphere as symbolic proof that God or "The Spirit" lives in us all, our collective essence termed by me "God-in-All", known as Atman in Hinduism ~ "Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you." (Luke 17:21)

Mamertus talks about the mathematical nature of the human spirit:

'The soul is introduced and associated with the body by Number, and by a harmony simultaneously immortal and incorporeal....the soul cherishes its body, because without it the soul cannot feel; but when death has separated the soul therefrom, the soul lives an incorporeal existence in the cosmos.' (Claudianus Mamertus, De Statu Animae, 2. P. 7, quoted by Guthrie in The Pythagorean Sourcebook and Library, p174).

how NOT to draw the Circle or Sphere of The One

i have seen and followed others' method of drawing a Circle of The One with a vertical line dividing the circle into a top half and a bottom half, representing the spiritual and physical respectively ~ I do not advise this, as one might incorrectly assume from the positioning of the halves that the spiritual was more significant or important than the physical ~ We have enough challenges dealing with false duality without having symbols that serve to reinforce misconceptions! ~ my analysis proves that the practice of dividing the circle into semicircles, regardless of the semicircles' positioning, results in a symbol that implies the false opposition instead of the true cooperation of the two manifestations of God ~ a Circle of The One divided into oppositional semicircles will only further the existing dualistic theological fallacy that "good" and "evil" are "mutually antagonistic" or opposed to each other ~ how can "good" and "evil" be antagonistic? "evil" doesn't know "good" and "good" shouldn't know "evil"! ~ hehehe ~ big smile, front teeth with a space.

the Kingdom of Heaven

so our "complete" Sphere symbolizes The One or God the All, and humanity's place and conscious role in the Universe as "the eyes, ears and mouthpiece of God" ~ we are the only life form that is here to be consciously aware of the beauty and order of The One, and to take great joy in the beauty of all aspects of The One or the whole of life, from the spiritual and intellectual to the emotional and sexual ~ this acceptance of all things represents being in the Biblical Garden of Eden ~ the Garden symbolizes the ideal state of humanity: a balanced heaven on Earth of love, respect and understanding in which all things are provided and the rare sin (rampant at present) of seeking one's own illusory "personal security" becomes an obvious sign of "hell on earth approaching".

the Biblical origin of "evil"

our downfall, as that of Adam and Eve, comes with knowledge, for "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing" ~ we fall, or are separated from God the One, when we become subject to the illusion of separation or duality, failing to see our unity, thinking that in order to establish our own illusive personal security or "good" in life (which is a sin) we must avoid "evil", or anything that we imagine threatens that illusive "good", by competing with and using our fellow beings and creatures (also a sin) ~ with this seeking of false material "security", and the ungodly fear of losing something so worthless, comes all the insidious divisionary and morally judgmental implications inducing self-destruction and unhappiness of the individual and the people.

"But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." (Genesis 2:17) "For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil." (Genesis 3:5)

Spiritual death (temporarily at least) is assured when we see evil, for we become what we see ~ it's not knowledge itself that brings evil, but our tendency to judge others (and therefore ourselves) like "gods" when we see the illusion of division instead of the reality of The Whole ~ the esoteric prescription is that for happiness we should see the Oneness of All in The One and Its great, immutable and eternal Law of Love, and that any knowledge or doctrine that serves to divide men one from the other and keep them dependent, fearful, antagonistic and self-conscious does not serve the Law of Love.

the specific origin of "evil" is in human mind

Reinhold Niebuhr, in Beyond Tragedy, wrote "Soul and body are one. Man is in nature. He is, for that reason, not of nature." Niebuhr goes on to say "...there is no sin in nature. Animals live in the harmony assigned to them by nature ... no animal ever aggravates, by his own decision ... the condition of its life." ~ We are the only species capable of mass murder, and possible self-extermination; some believe that the latter has already happened many times ~ Niebuhr implies that humanity has a power that goes beyond the sinless naturalness of spirit+form in all other species; that power is seen in our threefold formula, "spirit+mind+body": it is the power of mind: "Mind is the greatest power in the universe" (Alfred J. Parker) ~ perceptive thinkers know that all things are mathematical ~ the last frontier is not space exploration, but the study of human mind and its qualitative mathematical nature ~ incidentally, the Greek "mathematikos" means 'inclined to learn' ~ Frederick Bligh Bond, in Gematria, states "The wise men of old knew that the mind of man was geometrical, being but a reflection of the Mind of God...." ~ we have mathematical formulas attached to us which create our link to planes of conscious intelligence; these formulas come from our names.

can you imagine someone playing with a detonatable nuclear bomb, not realizing what it was and what it could do? ~ the way we unconsciously use language in naming our children is just as potentially deadly ~ it can mean the difference between a child becoming a serial killer or an average person.

i won't get into the detail here of how names are translated into number formulas; there are available sources for this knowledge ~ the concept is that our Spiritual Consciousness (Divine Mind) has certain numbers, and that if the numbers in our names (that create and represent mortal mind) do not harmonize with the inner Reason of Being or Spiritual Consciousness, then the effect is that the goodness or God in the Self is suppressed and frustrated, and in the absence of the good and constructive, we express "evil", just as in the absence of light there is darkness ~ The Gnostic Gospel of Thomas states:

"If you bring forth that which is within you, then that which is within you will give you life. If you do not bring forth that which is within you, then that which you do not bring forth will destroy you".

the key to balance

why is this qualitative mathematical principle not widely known? ~ almost every ancient source of this number key conveys the prescript that people should not be told of it ~ the only reason i can think of is fear ~ the knowledge is readily available now, and I also talk about it ~ the fact is most of us are not ready for this deep principle, evidence of which is found in all religious teaching ~ before i discovered this principle and changed my name at age 19, i suffered from depression and emotional illness, but was too smart to let myself fall into the hands of the "psychiatric authorities" ~ a name change does not instantly cure mental imbalance, though; only balance, time and Love can heal ~ i am now 54 (in 2005) and happier than I've ever been ~ in the 30 years previous, i attempted suicide at 26 and paid the full price for a 20-year marriage to the wrong person until the Love of "The Spirit" propelled me right out the door to a happy life ~ life begins where fear ends.

kinds of unities

the following is a list of macrocosmic or microcosmic terms representing cooperative dualities symbolized within the Sphere of The One ~ to convey the true state of coexistent, cooperative oneness, I use the term "dual unity" instead of "duality" ~ note that the use of lower case for the "form" in most "Essence-form" dual unity formulas does not denote inferiority of the "form", but symbolically implies form's function as a "vehicle of expression of Essence".


. All
. Everything
. God the All
. The All
. The Monad
. The One
. The Tao
. Unity

dual unity symbols

. The Dyad
. The Yin-Yang or Taiji symbol of Taoism

basic spirit and form dual unities:

. Abstract+concrete
. Being+being (Essential or fundamental nature++personality (physical and mental qualities) (see def of being: denotes both spirit & form)
. Brahman+Shiva
. Divine Mind or Reason and Its temple, the body
. Essence+form
. Father Nature++mother nature
. God the Father (spirit of god the mother)++god the mother (form or body of God the Father):
[the terms "God the Father" and "god the mother" do not denote sexuality; their upper or lower case symbolize their nonsexual roles in the unity of "Spirit+form"; one should not misinterpret them as implying any relative worth.]
. God the Spirit++god the form
. He+she ("He the Eternal++she the temporal")
. Heaven+earth
. Heavenly Father++earthly mother
. It+it
. Jesus Christ (Christ Consciousness) and mother mary (in Catholicism)
. Quality+quantity
. Reason of Being++being
. Source and reflection
. Spirit and its temple
. Spirit+form
. Spiritual+physical
. The Spirit of The One++the form of The One
. Universal(ity)++personal(ity)
. Universal Consciousness++unconsciousness (unconscious form)

qualities of basic Spirit and form dual unities:

. Eternal (Immortal)++temporal (mortal)
. Infinite+finite
. Limitlessness++limitation

miscellaneous dual unities:

. Light+dark
. Positive+negative
. Spirituality+religion
. True+false
. True prophecy+false prophecy

human dual and cooperative unities

. agape (Universal Love of God; Spiritual Love) and eros physical love or sexual desire
. God and god (the impersonal All and the personal individual)
. "Good" and "evil"
. Logos ("the Word" or Mind of God in John 1:1)++human speech ("power of the word" or human mind)
. Love and lust
. "Love of God" and "love of god" (god = a human, or reflection of God)
. mind+body (mortal human conscious intelligence++unconscious human body)
. "Righteousness" (Godliness) and "sin" (ungodliness)
. Self+self
. spirit+mind
. Spiritual Consciousness** (eternal )++human mind (mortal)
. Universal Love and personal love
** aka Christ Consciousness or the (spiritual) "body of Christ" (refers to our collective Spiritual Consciousness, aka Atman as 'world soul') (1 Corinthians 10:16)

trinities (threefold unities) symbolized within the Sphere of The One ("=>" means "produces"):

. 1+2=>3
. individuality+merging=>life
. seed+water=>sprout
. sperm+egg=>embryo ... fetus
. spirit+mind+body OR body+mind+spirit
. Spiritual Consciousness+body=>human child (no conscious intelligence yet without name)
. Spiritual Consciousness++human mind=>Logos (Wisdom or Spiritual Life)
. Father++son=>Holy Ghost
. The Triad
. Universal Consciousness+unconscious form=>nonhuman life form

all things are essentially "good"

"all is good" quotes, sayings etc.

"And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day." (Genesis 2:31)

In the Torah, "God clearly said that all Creation was tov meod, 'very good'". (p19; Kabbalah, The Divine Plan; Z'ev ben Shimon Halevi)

"Know that all the upper and lower universes are cast in the image of God. All that is past and yet to come has not and will not alter. All is perfect." (Zohar)

"The master rebuked him saying everything created served God's purpose, even that which seemed a threat to man had its part in creation." (Zohar)

"As above, so below" (from The Emerald Tablet by Hermes Trismegistus) ~ this axiom implies that all that is 'higher' and unseen (God, spirit) has its corresponding manifestation in the 'lower' or visible (humanity and personality), confirming the macrocosmic-microcosmic relationship of God and humanity ~ assuming the inherent goodness of God or Nature, the inference is that humanity and our own creation is, at least according to Divine Plan, intended to reflect the goodness of the 'higher world' ~ the actuality is that we and our creations do not perfectly reflect the good or God, because our human consciousness (mind, 'below') is not generally numerically balanced to the Divine Consciousness within or 'above' ~ currently, human mental vibration is out of harmony with Divine vibration (spirit), thus suppressing the higher impulses of Love, happiness, logic and refinement; the result when good is suppressed is the absence of good, meaning "badness" or "evil" in us ~ analogies are discordant chords on the piano; discordant noncomplementary colors together like blue and red, which can give one a headache; a light bulb filament that resists the electrical power, producing a dim light; or clouds covering the sun ~ we are all subject to "good suppressing" influences, but why some of us come to exemplify "evil" is The Question ~ the axiom's variation could be "What is above, should be below; but can only be with balance and the Love it brings out."

"Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven." (Matthew 6:10)

all things serve to glorify The One: "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." (Romans 8:28)

"It's all good." (hip talk)

Dialectic proof that "The Spirit" or "God the Father" is good

in the light of unity, drawing from the symbolism of the Sphere of The One, i intend to prove (at least to my own satisfaction) that all things are good ~ i believe, as you suspect, that the idea "God is only the Good" -- implying that only "God the Father" or Universal Consciousness is "good" -- is a fallacy, and it has and will continue to be a destructive fallacy in that the implication is that "god the mother" or the vehicle of Universal Consciousness is "evil".

the word "good" is from the Old English root word "god" ~ God defined:
"in monotheistic religions, the creator and ruler of the universe, regarded as eternal, infinite, all-powerful and all-knowing; Supreme Being; Almighty." ~ the pantheistic conception of God precludes the underlined.

i understand that the Universal Laws of "The One" are:

1) reliable: always operating in a certain way, regardless of whether we understand the laws or not.

2) fair and impartial: not favouring any individual, race, religion etc. ~ therefore "supplications to God" or stereotypical prayer will bring no advantages.

3) not "all-knowing", a human attribute ~ God knows nothing, "He" is merely The Law ~ "He" has no memory, and no volition to act.

4) not "all-powerful"; this implies the exercise of powers only a sentient being has ~ God does not exercise powers, as Greek myths relate ~ God ("The Spirit") includes a set of Universal Laws; we may benefit if we can manage to harmonize with Universal Law; breaking such, even unconsciously, can destroy us ~ if God was all-powerful, "He" could be blamed for doing things "He" cannot possibly do, and we would not learn responsibility.

God has no will in the sense of human volition ["a conscious or deliberate decision or choice thus made"] ~ in other words, God has no will because "He" is not human ~ "God's will", then, is really "God's plan", or the Divine Plan that we may discover through trial and error and exemplify ~ the Divine Plan can never be realized without living the Law of Love.

The Spirit (of God) has no power without human mind

accepting that The Spirit is impersonal, It cannot have human attributes like feelings, emotions, or even powers that It can exercise ~ Swinburne's "all-powerful God" is a fallacy ~ "He" in His essence can be called: The Spirit of The One; God's Essence; the Essence of God; Universal Consciousness; Father Nature (not mother nature); or God the Father ~ despite all our beautiful names for The Spirit, It is powerless; It is a source of power, not power itself ~ all primary energies have similar behaviour ~ The Spirit is analogous to electricity, which i understand to be only a potential until it finds a channel through which to express ~ The Spirit is also analogous to the radiation produced by the Sun, which travels through space without having any effect until it reaches "the channel" of the Earth's atmosphere; only when it contacts the latter does it produce a heating effect, manifesting power; even the visible light is not such until human eyes see it ~ our Spiritual Consciousness (God within) only manifests in any powerful way when it has a human mind to express through ~ the power of the word, thought or conscious intelligence can only manifest in human speech and sound when a living person's mind/brain cells unity is found, analogous to the expression of sound through a radio or TV ~ whatever is a source energy is only a potential until it finds a relevant channel for expression; therefore "God in Itself has no powers", only human beings in and through which The Spirit of God dwells and manifests have powers ~ we alone have the power of God (good) or Satan (evil) ~ The Spirit does not have the power to Love or Forgive; but when "He" finds "His" relative instrument in a human being, the latter, if a "balanced instrument", may naturally convert what is only potential into the real powers of Love and Forgiveness.

you stated 'There is no "compassion" from "everything"' (everything being "God the All", clarified as "The One" or "It+it") ~ in this universal conception of God, "He" is completely impersonal, without compassion or any other human or personal qualities; this impersonality is what makes The One completely reliable or "good".

Experiential proof that The Spirit of The One is good

i was taking transit to work, standing in a corner, when a mother got on with her 2 kids ~ mummy was holding the littlest one, a boy about 6 months old, in her arms, and his big blue eyes were high enough to take me in ~ my persona is "flamboyant-gangster-longhair-goateed-rockstar", and i was wearing mirror-type dark glasses; some feel i might be their worst nightmare, but some look beyond my persona and see i'm just a "pussycat" ~ the little big-blue-eyed one couldn't stop looking at me (maybe intrigued with his own image in my glasses) ~ i smiled at him and he smiled back, shyly looking down a bit ~ when he got off with mummy, he craned around to keep me in view ~ i'm not all good, nobody is, but the little one saw the good in me even though he couldn't see my eyes and i look like "the Son of Satan" -- it takes "God the Father" or "The Spirit" to do that ~ the little one hadn't lived long enough to pick up the fears and prejudices of adults ~ the Divine Plan does not include him growing up to be a serial killer ~ it's our responsibility to know God's Plan ~ no more serial killers? -- a tall order, "but with God all things are possible." (Matthew 19:26) -- God-in-us that is.

the physical "form of The One" or "god the mother" is good

having established (at least in my own mind) that, specifically regarding human beings, "The Spirit" (consisting of Consciousness and the Universal Laws through which It manifests) is good, considered proof follows that "the form", "god the mother" or the vehicle of Universal Consciousness is also good ~ accepting that there is no sin in nature (nonhuman species), the question regarding the origin of evil applies to humanity only ~ i will refute the deceptive statement of Paul of Tarsus that "Flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God". (1 Corinthians 15:50)

considering that "the form" is essentially unconscious, being merely a vehicle for or physical channel of Consciousness or "The Spirit", it cannot be responsible for sin; therefore the phrase "the evils of the flesh" is a fallacy ~ the flesh, or body, of humanity, considered as a channel or temple of The Spirit, as such has basically the same purpose as the flesh or body of an amoeba or a whale ~ to discriminate against or condemn the body of man or woman as a "source of evil" is as delusional as claiming that insects are a threat to our security as a species, or that moss is going to creep up and kill us in our beds ~ the body is like a loyal and obedient soldier who only takes orders from the top, and not a schemer with their own plan that may contradict the plan of the general ~ the "schemer" is the mind unaware of or trying to ignore the spirit.

by its very nature, the form of The One which is unconscious of God cannot be antagonistic toward or opposed to It either ~ the body is the sacred temple of The Spirit, with no evil dwelling within it that can threaten one's spiritual progress ~ the body is our Reason of Being made manifest in form ~ evil originates in the mind only, such as the thoughts of one who says that our beautiful, God-given and miraculous body and its sexuality, with its own physical laws and power to procreate, is "filthy" or "dirty" ~ "Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man." (Matthew 15:11)

Paul of Tarsus erred in saying that "Flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God" -- flesh and blood are the very garden of the Kingdom of God, and when the mind is balanced and in a natural unselfconscious but Self-conscious state of "oneness with The Father", every woman and man, their bodies, and their dogs and budgies, hehe, inherit their birthright, the Kingdom of God or heaven on earth symbolized by The Garden of Eden before humanity's delusion of wisdom in knowing "good and evil" after a little knowledge.

the discernment to properly distinguish good and evil is often lacking ~ many believe it is good to be friendly and bad to be unfriendly or detached; however it is the latter "bad" quality that prevents the perceptive from becoming the victims of serial killers, who are often quite charming, friendly, and seemingly "good" members of the community ~ friendliness is nothing; criminals rely on those who value it ~ love, compassion and kindness are everything and can't be faked.

all form or flesh and its law of procreation, including human sexuality and sexual desire (physical love or eros) are also good ~ they are part of the Divine Plan, and ensure that all flourishing species including humanity will continue to fulfill that Plan ~ we are the only species that "sins" with regard to sex ~ all other species' sexuality is instinctive ~ our sexual behaviour is both instinctive and conscious to some degree, and because we have not yet established The Law of Love amongst ourselves and are for the most part self-centred, we are as a race generally obsessed with sex as a source of pleasure.

lust and eros are fine in the presence of spiritual love and respect, or where there is eros with some kind of agreement as in the pornography business ~ "All love is Divine. Let it never be said that physical or romantic love is less than God¡Çs Love, for ideas cannot be apart from their source." (Alan Cohen) ~ considering the tremendous power of sexual urges, one is advised not to see evil lest one becomes evil: "Judge not ... For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again." (Matthew 7:1) ~ also this advice for the self-righteous: "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" (at the adulterous woman; John 8:7 paraphrased) ~ no honest thinker will 'cast a stone', for none is free of sin.

even though a person may not "inherit the Kingdom" because of their ungodly thinking thus being a "house divided against itself", it is mind and all its illusions, not the body, that steals one's birthright: oneness with the True Self within ~ oneness of imperishable spirit and perishable body is the natural and ideal state of humanity ~ Mamertus said "the soul cherishes its body, because without it the soul cannot feel" ~ despite all this idealism, our race's reality is degeneration ~ regeneration can only come with noble, principled and universally tolerant thinking ~ i won't hold my breath for it....

evil a manifestation of imbalance

is mind evil in itself? no ~ the difference between mind and all other things is that we have the power to create it through the powerful "labels" we attach to ourselves called names ~ names are the "power of the word" actualized in human beings ~ mind is not evil, but evil is arising from mind ~ why this is so is The Question, and worthy of study.

there is nothing wrong with intense sexual urges in themselves ~ the problem of evil, again, lies in the unbalanced, self-centred and aggressive mind of the individual not yet aware of The Law of Love, driven by passions that are uncontrollable, not having respect for the fact that God is in every person, and seeing people as objects to be used for their own self-satisfaction ~ "will power" has no effect regarding one's sexually deviant tendencies and urges, and we are all sexually deviant to some degree ~ spiritual and sexual deviance develop together and are rampant ~ authorities are quite deluded in believing that the average sex offender might not reoffend upon release.

my precious 3-year-old daughter occasionally pinches the asses of people standing in front of her on transit or in a store ~ i know she can't resist touching because she is seeing beauty in their asses ~ she won't yet understand if we try to explain that she shouldn't do it, and when we're out in public "standing in the corner" isn't an option ~ eventually many of us who take such delight stop doing it when we realize we should have a person's full permission first, in a loving relationship ~ students of mind come to understand why sexual predators abound, and how they are unconsciously raised by their parents to "fulfill their unbalanced roles" ~ we as a race are responsible for creating unbalanced and dangerous minds ~ all the perceptive can do is take precautions and remember that God is in every person no matter how "bad", and that we should "forgive them; for they know not what they do" (Luke 23:34) -- forgive them not for their sake but for our own ~ my little daughter who does not yet know that what she's doing isn't right must be forgiven.

lawyers can argue that sex offenders knew what they were doing and ask for greater punishment, but the fact is that no one in an aggressive sex deviate's shoes could use virtually useless "will power" to "control" their unbalanced and uncontrollable sex urges, during which logic, reason and respect is basically gone ~ Judge Judy's view that the only "solution" regarding the "problem" of sex offenders is to send them all to an island seems practical, but this view is fragmentary, as "the problem" is not only with sex offenders, but also with the older victims who, once on their own, lack the discernment to spot the rather obvious "wiles" of the sex predator ~ my little daughter has a wonderful natural discernment of possible danger, and did not have to be taught it ~ she won't allow anybody she doesn't know to get close to her; amusingly, when a young man pulled down a seat for her on the bus she wagged her finger at him and voiced the triple negative "uh-uh-uh"! ~ why some children have these fine self-preservation instincts and some don't is The Question ~ we are also responsible if we don't give our children enough love and attention; people of all ages who long for love and attention are driven to take great risks to obtain it ~ the craving deviate in their warped way is also often seeking love and intimacy; they are seeking a balance but it comes out wrong where The Law of Love is not first and foremost in their minds ~ John Wayne Gacy, the monster-angel whose potential for universal love was thwarted and unfulfilled, loved his father and craved his love, but was regularly beaten by him.

the exploited and exploiters, victims and victimizers, gurus and students have an exclusive, mutually attractive and mind-deadening relationship -- an example being people who believe that significant things can be accomplished through politics require political leaders to tell them the lies and fairy tales they wish to hear ~ victims and victimizers are both victims of our races's lack of discernment ~ to blame the victimizers is as imperceptive as blaming politicians for a country's troubles ~ only a study of human mind can allow us to diminish the current prevalence of the victim/victimizer relationship.

a song in closing

in closing, here are the lyrics from James Ingram's tune, "No Need to Say Goodbye" ~ I know James won't mind if I say it's a song from God the Father in all of you to Your Self and your self ~ it's God talking to God in a Heaven of Love, and God telling god how "He" was helpless and silent but will never stop Loving You AND you ~ you can always count on "Him" to Be inside you, in fact "He" is You, "my buttery wee pancakes", as Craig Ferguson says ~ remember you can't count on me; you can't count on anyone: false prophets abound; you can only count on your Self, the Kingdom of Heaven within you.

"No need to say goodbye, oh no,
No need to say goodbye....
My Love, it's with You I would share my Life, in a heartbeat,
Even though I know that you lied, darlin' you've made me cry,
But I still Love You.

My Love, it's not the Way I Intended, but now you say it's over
Even though I know it's not True, my Love goes deeper for You
I'm a Friend for Life, I still Love You,

So No need to say goodbye....I'll see You again tomorrow....
No matter how Life turns around, I'll Always Be There....

My Love, all of the moments I've shared with You,
Like the Diamonds, Baby though I gave Them to You,
i was so hurt when you refused to take my Love,
but I still Love You.

So No need to say goodbye....I'll see You again tomorrow....
No matter how Life turns around, I'll Always Be There....

All I'm tryin' to do is convey to You,
Baby I'll Be There in time of Your need,
and if You lose Your Way You can count on Me
coz You've got a Friend until the end....

So No need to say goodbye....I'll see You again tomorrow....
No matter how Life turns around, I'll Always Be There....

So Baby No need to say goodbye....I'll see You again tomorrow....
No matter how Life turns around, I'll Always Be There...."

i love You All so much with no exceptions my Darlings, my Treasures hidden and Found, my God ~ Love your Self and All with your whole Being+being and with The Eternal Love of The Spirit that is in you Now and will Be, Forevermore.


"Live unknown".
"Never hurry and never worry." (Charlotte the Spider)
We are here for one thing: happiness.
I love All and care for none.
Love and Respect All, including the "evil" who glorify, by contrast, the One Great and Eternal Law of Love.
"There is no hope for the human race." (Alfred J. Parker)
We are The Love of God.
When the power of Love replaces the power of money, there will be Justice.
"Where love is concerned, too much is not even enough." (Pierre-Augustin de Beaumarchais)

By Ivan A. on Thursday, August 11, 2005 - 10:41 pm:

Luxin, this is absolutely Beautiful. You capture the Spirit.

God's Plan is God's Love, a set of infinites given us humans, and all living things, so even the lowest life can share in below as in above. The human mind is but one small step in capturing this here, and making it real, not by restrictions and coercions, by laws of fasting and abstention, but by human love and a universal freedom, freedom from unwanted approaches, from coercion. When free, we are in the image of that Love, if we choose it, so simple, simply a choice. Accept a belief in what is ultimately Beautiful, for all living things, and it shall be so. And That is Good.

We are All connected in ways we cannot even fathom, our minds had not yet been trained to see this. But once we can, then each one of us, a small light in the universe awakens to consciousness, to this Law of Love. And that is Beautiful.


By Edward Chesky on Friday, August 12, 2005 - 08:08 pm:

Well said Luxin,

I have to note the hexagonial solution to the trisection of the angle includes the generation of a circle, triangle and a hexagon.

Embeded into the fabric of creation and at the root of geometry is the concept that you discussed very eloquently regarding the triangle, hexagon and circle.

I myself have long marveled at the symplicity and elegance of geometry and how in its purity it is a reflection of the divine.

What you have done is in many respects put words to geometry and made it much more human and organic

Ed Chesky

By luxin on Sunday, October 9, 2005 - 10:43 am:

October 8, 2005, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines

To precious Reason and Love in All ... Ivan ... Ed,

It's wonderful to be here. Shorts and bare feet a lot. Sweating purifies the body more than in Vancouver. I get to eat lots of putomaya, which is rice with coconut milk wrapped in a banana leaf. Folks aren't slaves to the dollar like in N. America. Where there's little money, out comes love to compensate. So much beauty in the people, and a country is its people. Of course there's trouble in paradise: "debt slavery"; leaders always draining the treasuries; poverty. But real poverty isn't monetary. Here are some categories....


Seeing the oneness, one sees All.
Seeing the division, one sees nothing.
Nature has mother-like borne and reared all men alike, and created them genuine brothers. (Philo, Every Good Man is Free)
Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! (Psalms 133.1)
Both egoism and altruism are necessary to welfare. Both are moral motives. Right living is the right balance between them. (H. Samuel, Belief and Action, 1937)
The chain which ... makes us one, is to honor the one God. (Philo, Special Laws)
In love is found the secret of divine unity. (Zohar, Exod., 216a)
"The place whereon you stand is holy ground". (Exod. 3.5). Wherever man stands is holy ground.... (Elimelek, Noam Elimelek, 1787 (1942) p62)

Symbols representing the deep truths of life have a powerful influence in our consciousness. The symbol of God or the All has always been the circle or sphere, representing a oneness which contains all things within it. The marriage ring is more than a symbol of the unity of 2 people; in the higher sense, it symbolizes the eternal spiritual unity of all people. We are social beings completely dependent on each other, and the only true progress we can make is together in a slow evolution toward understanding, peace and happiness, or a return to the symbolic Garden of Eden, meaning a natural state of nonjudgmental and unpretentious oneness. I draw The Sphere of One.... (daorley downy, "Oneness and Duality = Life and Death")


Truth is the centre of the circle. (A. Ibn Ezra, Commentary, Introd.)
Truth is the heart of love.
Through truth we know the world; through love we lift it.
Truth without love is a dead thing -- a dusty book in an attic where none can see it.
Truth without love is useless; love without truth has no purpose.
'...the truth, which lives in us and will be with us forever' (2 John 1:2)
Nothing is beautiful but the truth. (Minkowski, 1882)
Know the truth, and you will know its Master. (Falaquera, Iggeret HaViKuah)


That being is free ... whose will coincides with the divine law. (Hess, Rome and Jerusalem, 1862)
There is a freedom greater even than the freedom conferred by citizenship and the possession of full human rights. It is the freedom of the soul -- of the soul that "walks at liberty because it has sought God's precepts", that visualizes the best and strenuously aspires after it. That greatest of boons has still to be attained. (M. Joseph, "Song of Songs", Jewish Guardian, 1927)
Every virtuous man is free. (Philo, Every Good Man is Free)
That man alone is free who has God for his leader. (Ibid.)
To speak freely what is dictated by a clear conscience befits the nobly born. (Ibid.)
Freedom is doing what one should do, not what one wants to do.
Freedom is wanting nothing for oneself.
The truly free person has no choice; they are a slave to every person who stands in front of them.
Inner superiority to worldly fortune is the essence of genuine nobility, spirituality, or ... the truly philosophic life. (M. R. Cohen, A Dreamer's Journey, 1949)


But will you shall not, unless God wills, the Lord of all being. (Koran 81:29)
Let life ripen and then fall; will is not the way at all. (Lao Tzu)
Not what I will, but what thou wilt. (Mark 14:36)
Let It Be. (Beatles)


A man is led the way he wishes to follow. (Huna, Talmud: Makkkot)
I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps. (Jer. 10.23 KJV)
The camel has his scheme and the camel driver has his. (Egyptian proverb)
There is no greater misfortunate than wanting something for oneself. (Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching, 46)
The more we strive to be "free", the more we fear restriction. Whatever we seek for ourselves, we lose, thus creating our own misery.

A believer in "free will" is averse to the concept of a "determined will" or divine purpose of life. The presumption of human freedom disturbs the harmony in which every species has a purpose. Our pride or false security in imagined "freedom" represents chaos in Life. True freedom is found in serving Life in specific paths of endeavour and learning designated by numbers from our birthdates. Our birthright is the potential for the happiness of profound self-knowledge and purpose free of the influence of the forces that demand conformity for the sake of control and profit. Youngsters come to believe they could be happy serving a system which seems to offer "freedom", but experience the deadly effects of their unique potential's suppression by the rigid demands of the soulless control and profit system which offers no real understanding of the human spirit. "The tree wants to blossom but the frost will not let it." (Greek proverb) The system is just a manifestation of our unawareness.


Where men and women come together for the sake of Truth there is nobility. Thank you.

Love, your servant,

daorley downy (luxin)

By Edward Chesky on Monday, October 10, 2005 - 05:44 am:

Wish you the best Luxin,

Its important to travel and interact with the peoples of the world in order to cut through the spin put out by the powers that be. First hand experience can never be replicated and allows you to see the truth and the lies.

All my best


By Ivan A. on Monday, October 10, 2005 - 07:11 pm:

Luxin, glad to hear you had such a nice time in the tropics. I live in So. Cal. and like it fine, but there is something very mellow and magic about those soft tropical breezes, white beaches, and blue waters. My favorite too!



Seeing the oneness, one sees All.
Seeing the division, one sees nothing.

Isn't that the ultimate mystery? Yet we live this mystery daily with each breath we take. We are in the One always.



That being is free ... whose will coincides with the divine law. (Hess, Rome and Jerusalem, 1862)

Isn't that the easiest part? Once we are free, then what do we do? Yet, we have managed to damage ourselves in not being free, by tying ourselves to others in non-freeing ways, and these coercions may be why we fail to be in the One.

On Truth and Love,


Truth is the centre of the circle. (A. Ibn Ezra, Commentary, Introd.)
Truth is the heart of love.

Therein is the secret, to the One. We actually do not even need to understand it, just be.

On "debt slavery", we have it here too. It's called "credit card debt". J

I had never been to the Phillipines, but my wife had, and she loved it, the people, the places. Glad you had a fine trip. The tropics are wonderful for the soul.


By Ivan A. on Saturday, October 15, 2005 - 09:53 am:



Let's not demonize a whole people's belief system, or a whole people, even if there are demons living amongst them.

To rise above this demonic virtual-reality, is a reality worth holding on to, or we risk becoming demons like them. Hold yourselves to a higher standard, focus on their weaknesses and failings, and their irrationality, take measured steps to counter their enraged attacks, and you will defeat them. We who cherish reason are far more powerful, better organized, and far better destroyers than those who rage against us. Keep that in mind, that historically we are far more dangerous than we sometimes wish to admit.

So it is not the Islamic people who are demons, nor should they be demonized, because amongst them are mostly good and gentle people. The ones doing the 'Devil's' work are those who do harm, who kill, who abuse, who coerce others. They are the demons. What better 'soldiers of the Devil' can you find than the terroristic killer cultists? Perhaps the teachings of Islam, and the Qur'an are not clear on this issue, so that those who think they are doing 'God's will' in killing others are really doing 'Satan's will', if you will, for they are not gentle and kind, but evil to others.

As conscious human beings, we all have a choice. If the cultists choose to kill, to do harm, then they are unconscious as human beings, unintelligent, and thus are failing dramatically in doing God's Will.


"Euroislam", BBC News, as Medieval Islam's decline is 'future shock'.

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