New Healing Concepts?

Humancafe's Bulletin Boards: The New PeoplesBook FORUMS: To Your Health!: New Healing Concepts?

Gentlewind on Sunday, March 21, 2004 - 06:58 am:

Hi Everybody,
First of all I’d like to say I’m delighted to find this web site! As it is my first posting do you mind if I’ll ask a question about the book that I’ve just read…? It’s a crystal healing book called ‘The Element of Harmony’ by Nat & Tony Bondar.I read an article in Positive Health magazine (published in the UK in February this year) about their research and went to their website, where I ordered their book. I have read it now and I’m impressed! It is so different to every other book I’ve read – but there are some concepts I’m having trouble with. The ‘quad energy’ and chakras I can understand but I’d like to discuss the ‘psychic energy structure’ with someone… anyone?
I do Reiki Healing, Crystal Healing, and Transpersonal Counselling. I have read a lot of spiritual/esoteric and metaphysical books to get to the stage where I am now. I’ve done various courses and at the moment have 7 years of practical experience in these disciplines. To start with the book seems like just quite profound crystal energy research but as deeper I am going as more I realise that the writers are describing issues that break the current traditional ideas of healing. So, for example, I always thought that chakras have 7 fixed colours and many healing techniques are of course based on this concept. Yet according to this book, the idea is incorrect as their colours keep constantly changing! I couldn’t get over this bit for quite some time until I reached the section in the book that gives perfect explanation of what is actually happening in chakras - how it happens and why! I also discovered that there is much more to our energetic anatomy of man that I read in other books and now I understand that chakras have nothing to do with our spiritual / psychological reality! There is one more energetic structure that is in the same location that chakras but on another level, called “The Structure of Psychic Energy”. As I see it - by knowing what’s happening in it and how it is directly connected to the power of our thoughts anybody can achieve miraculous results in any form of healing. I’m very curios to hear opinions of others about the info on their site at the page of the book called “The Element Of Harmony”.
If anyone else has a copy - can I ask what you are thinking about it? I would love to discuss some of the concepts!



By Ivan A. on Monday, March 22, 2004 - 05:12 pm:

Welcome Gentlewind. Thank you for your interesting subject and questions.

I am not familiar enough with 'psychic energy structure' to offer much, nor have I read the book "The Element of Harmony", though I will look into it. My elementary knowledge, gathered from years, is that we are indeed 'electric' beings, right down to how electromagnetic photons of light activate the optic nerve to stimulate the neurons in our brain electrically, so that we see an image. If you consider that even electrons, as they jump in their shells, respond to the harmonic principles, then natural harmonics are already a part of us. As we ingest energy from the sun through various means, nutritious food, electromagnetism, light and heat, we then reprocess this into electrical impulses that activate all our cells, enzymes, neurons, and amino acids in their collective fields at work. So chakras should not be a mystery, and I am told there are those who can read them, to see their colors. Also, the colors will be different for a healthy person versus those for unhealthy ones. So rebalancing the energies is perhaps no more than realigning how electrons and electric force course through our bodies. Our mental outlook, our health, our longevity are all tied into this delicate balance. Most of it is automatic, but since we have lifestyles that somehow damage these harmonic balances, bad food, or through stress, we occasionally break down and need help, what we call 'healing'.

I had for some years lived in Santa Fe, New Mexico, so am relatively familiar with 'crystal healing', - SF is a kind of capital of New Age. However, I would need more study, so hope others know more than me. From experience, having known desperate men who preyed on desperately terminal patients, for money, I should urge caution in anyone's quest for healing, as any quest demands. But such caution should in no way deter us from learning more of the Truth.

God Bless,

By Dias on Thursday, July 1, 2004 - 08:36 am:

I have no this book (The element of harmony)

May be it`s fool question
What do you know about the authors of this book?
I would like to know is there any address (e-mail, post..) of authors
(Nat & Tony Bondar) in the books?
And can you tell it to me?


By Ivan A. on Friday, March 5, 2004 - 08:23 pm:


Here's an interesting item on coconut oil, expeller cold pressed, organically grown. It's not the usual palm oil stuff, but actually very healthy, if true, even better than soy.

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