World Mind Society

Humancafe's Bulletin Boards: The New PeoplesBook FORUMS: What is our Dream?: World Mind Society
Rishi on Sunday, December 7, 2003 - 08:25 pm:

The World Mind Society
is now online for the benefit of all readers,
in the further evolution of humanity, worldwide.
The WMS, (a non-profit organization) is establishing a truly new Age of Enlightenment, based upon the most ancient principles of action in existence. These principles are known as Natural Laws.

These are described in detail on the WMS website.

One such law is known as the group mind principle. In short, the group mind principle of Nature states that; the resulting force generated from the combining of like minds, is geometrically greater than the sum of its parts. In other words, minds which are focused together upon a common theme, create a mutual force which is not merely additive, but vastly more powerful than any one individual or group of individuals

Through a reciprocation of love and clarity, we rise up to become the new Buddhas and Christs of a more enlightened civilization. This is largely accomplished via the group mind principle. WMS knowledge lends itself to a transformation of the World Mind, or collective consciousness of humanity. The elevation of consciousness of any one person or group, resonantly boosts the consciousness of others around the world. Likewise, any raising of world consciousness also benefits every individual.

The evolution of humanity is a process we can accelerate through the use of PROGRESSIVE, SPIRITUAL AND NATURAL INTENT. Nature is our ally, and Divine principles our guide. Through these Agencies, social progress takes on an entirely new, and progressive meaning. Self is realized as soul, and the expansion of consciousness is realized to be the primary vehicle for our ongoing evolution. Humanity is reaching a critical mass, or threshold of change in consciousness. The WMS is one among many groups and persons, who seeks to facilitate this global shift.

The World Mind Society employs the following spiritual tools, among others, as described on our website;

The frank appraisal of a materialistic society, that is literally driving itself insane through unnatural goals. Only a return to nature and natural/spiritual laws, can truly alleviate the stress of the modern condition. (See the Survivalists’ Guide for the New Millennium)

The implementation of superior, “software for the mind”.

Meditation, mutual psychic enhancement, contemplation, and the right use of occult/spiritual laws.

Greater mastery of Intent, Awareness and Energy as the components of consciousness.

A wholesale embrace of Truth, and various means through which it may be employed. This includes an improvement of lifestyle, diet, exercise, communion with God, Nature and ones’ own soul.

The willingness to question all the current assumptions of society, and to revolutionize all aspects of life in this Age.

The embodiment of all that is progressive, practical, and profound, which underlies every world religion, philosophy and spiritual practice.

You are welcomed as friends and allies to the WMS website, and for the success of the spiritual revolution now underway!

By Anonymous on Tuesday, December 9, 2003 - 02:01 pm:


One such law is known as the group mind principle. In short, the group mind principle of Nature states that; the resulting force generated from the combining of like minds, is geometrically greater than the sum of its parts. In other words, minds which are focused together upon a common theme, create a mutual force which is not merely additive, but vastly more powerful than any one individual or group of individuals.

To become modern men, we need to do through agreement and cooperation rather than through coercion and competition, or we will remain primitive men, or women.

By Anonymous on Thursday, January 22, 2004 - 04:53 pm:


Sanctity of the individual
Unity of Society

These are Ubuntu.

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